More Questions on Bhakti Movement
- Q. Who wrote Shiksha Ashtak which was called as the cream of the Shastras?
Answer: Chaitanya
- Q. Who was the the founder of the Ramanandi Sampradaya, the largest monastic Hindu renunciant community in modern times?
Answer: Ramananda
- Q. Which Bhakti Saints writings influenced Hinduism’s Bhakti movement and his verses are found in Sikhism’s scripture Adi Granth?
Answer: Kabir
- Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the attitudes of Alvars and Nayanars towards caste system? I. Alvars and Nayanars initiated a movement of protest against the caste system and the dominance of Brahmanas or at least attempted to reform the system. II. Alvars and Nayanars always supported the caste system in the society. III. The importance of the traditions of the Alvars and Nayanars was sometimes indicated by the claim that their compositions were as important as the Vedas
A)I and II
B)Only I
C)I and III
D)All of the above
Answer: I and III
- Q. Which of the following reason was influenced by the preaching of Bhakti Saints Nimbarka and Vallabhacharya?
A)Telangana Region
B)Kannada Region
C)Tamilian Region
D)Maratha Region
Answer: Telangana Region
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Bhakti Saint Ramanuja? I. He preached Vishishtadvaita. II. He said that the ‘God is Sagunabrahman’
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Both I & II
- Q. Which Bhakti saint preached the concept of Vishishtadvaita?
Answer: Ramanuja
- Q. Who began the Achintayabhedabhedavada School of theology?
Answer: Chaitanya
- Q. Select the incorrect statement (s) about Bhakti Saint Ramananda. I. He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God. II. He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma’.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Neither I nor II
- Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about Alvars and Nayanars? I. Some of the earliest bhakti movements (c. sixth century) were led by the Alvars (literally, those who are “immersed” in devotion to Vishnu) and Nayanars (literally, leaders who were devotees of Shiva). II. They travelled from place to place singing hymns in Tamil in praise of their gods. III. During their travels the Alvars and Nayanars identified certain shrines as abodes of their chosen deities
A)I and II
B)Only I
C)I and III
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. The Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashanavaite Alwar preached the Bhakti Cult under which of the following rulers?
A)Pallavas, Cheras and Rashtrakutas
B)Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas
C)Pallavas, Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms
D)Cheras & Pandavas
Answer: Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas
- Q. Sufism the liberal and mystic movement of Islam, reached India in the __________ century?
D)13 th
Answer: 11th
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the cardinal principle of Bhakti Cult? I. It was influencing devotion to a personal God, whose grace was the only means of attaining salvation or Mukti. II. It stressed the idea of a personal God and pointed out the absurdity of the caste system in the presence of God and the futility of external rites and ceremonies.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Both I & II
- Q. Who was the Guru of Kabir?
Answer: Ramananda
- Q. What is meant by a ‘Pir’ in the Sufi tradition?
A)The Guru of the Sufis
B)The Supreme God
C)The greatest of all Sufi saints
D)The orthodox teacher who contests the Sufi beliefs
Answer: The Guru of the Sufis
- Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saint emphasised the essential oneness of all religion by describing Hindus and Muslims ‘as pots of the same clay’?
Answer: Kabir
- Q. Select the correct statement (s) related to the Vallabhacharya: I. His doctrine came to be known as “Pushti Marga” for his successors laid stress on the physical side of Krishna’s sports. II. He is the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON, commonly called the “Hare Krishnas”
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Only I
- Q. Which of the following text introduces bhakti marga (the path of faith/devotion) as one of three ways to spiritual freedom and release?
D)Bhagwat Gita
Answer: Bhagwat Gita
- Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saints was part of the egalitarian, personalized Varkari devotionalism tradition?
Answer: Tukaram
- Q. In Tamil Nadu, the movement started with __________ and __________
A)The Vaisnava Alvars
B)The Saiva Nayanars
C)Nirguna Saints
D)Both A & B
Answer: Both A & B
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