More Questions on Indian Economy
- Q. Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established in:
Answer: 1964
- Q. Deficit financing leads to inflation in general, but it can be checked if
A)only aggregate demand is increased
B)all the expenditure is denoted national debt payment only
C)government expenditure leads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. The first wholly Indian Bank was set up in
Answer: 1894
- Q. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the RBI, its impact on credit creation will be to
A)decrease it
B)increase it
C)no impact
D)None of the above
Answer: increase it
- Q. Inflation is measured in India on the basis of which ‘Index’?
A)Consumer Price Index for urban workers
B)Wholesale Price Index
C)Consumer Price Index for agricultural workers
D)National income deflation
Answer: Wholesale Price Index
- Q. Which company has started a rural marketing network called e-Chaupals?
C)Procor and Gamble
D)Hindustan liver
Answer: ITC
- Q. On which one of the following is the benefits received principle of taxation to achieve optimality bases?
A)Total benefit received
B)Marginal benefit received
C)Average benefit received
D)Ability to pay for the benefit
Answer: Ability to pay for the benefit
- Q. The main rubber producing state in the country is:
A)Tamil Nadu
Answer: Kerala
- Q. The Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) came into existence in
Answer: 1987
- Q. The currency convertibility concept in its original form originated in
A)Bretton Woods Agreement
B)Taylors Agreement
C)Wells Agreement
D)None of the above
Answer: Bretton Woods Agreement
- Q. Resurgent India bonds were issued in US dollar, Pound Sterling and
A)Deutsche Mark
B)Japanese Yen
D)French Franc
Answer: Deutsche Mark
- Q. In India Yellow revolution is associated with:
A)production of oil seeds.
B)production of flower
C)production of tea
D)production of paddy
Answer: production of oil seeds.
- Q. The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in the hand and total assets. This is called
A)Statutory Liquid Ratio (SLR)
B)Central Bank Reserve (CBR)
C)Statutory Bank Ratio (SBR)
D)Central Liquid Reserve (CLR)
Answer: Statutory Liquid Ratio (SLR)
- Q. In India the first bank of limited liability managed by Indian and founded in 1881 was:
A)Hindustan Commercial Bank
B)Oudh commercial Bank.
C)Punjab National Bank
D)Punjab and Sind Bank
Answer: Oudh commercial Bank.
- Q. Inflation is measured in India on the basis of which ‘Index’?
A)Consumer Price Index for urban workers
B)Consumer Price Index for agricultural workers
C)Wholesale Price Index
D)National income deflation
Answer: Wholesale Price Index
- Q. Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfers are
C)tax sharing
D)All the above
Answer: All the above
- Q. The programme which was launched in 1974-75 with the main objectives of improving the utilization of created irrigation potential is:
A)Cordial Area Development
B)Copper Area Development
C)Command Area Development (CAD)
D)Cop Authority Development
Answer: Command Area Development (CAD)
- Q. Excess of Total Expenditure over total Receipts is :
A)Surplus Budget
B)Balanced Budget
C)Deficit Budget
D)None of the above
Answer: Deficit Budget
- Q. Earn While you Learn scheme has been launched by:
A)Ministry of Youth
B)Both A and B
C)Ministry of Tourism
D)None of these
Answer: Ministry of Tourism
- Q. Government has merged Annapurna Scheme with:
C)National Old Age Pension Scheme
D)None of these
Answer: National Old Age Pension Scheme
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