More Questions on Bhakti Movement
- Q. Who was among the following Bhakti saints gave a new orientation of Hinduism through his doctrine of Advaita or Monism?
C)Guru Nanak
Answer: Sankara
- Q. Select the correct statement (s) related to the Vallabhacharya: I. His doctrine came to be known as “Pushti Marga” for his successors laid stress on the physical side of Krishna’s sports. II. He is the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON, commonly called the “Hare Krishnas”
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Only I
- Q. Which of the following Bhakti Reformers influenced by the preaching of Sufi teachers?
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. Which of the following aspects is not common to both Bhakti movement and Sufi movement?
A)Worship of idols
B)Personal love for God
D)Visit to holy shrines
Answer: Worship of idols
- Q. In which century Bhakti movement began?
A)7th century
B)6th century
C)8th century
D)9th century
Answer: 7th century
- Q. Which of the following statement is correct definition of Nirguna?
A)It is the concept of a formless Guru
B)It is the concept of a formless God
C)It is the concept of spirituality
D)None of the above
Answer: It is the concept of a formless God
- Q. Who strongly opposed sectarianism and rites and insisted on adoption of Hindi in place of Sanskrit?
Answer: Ramananda
- Q. Select the correct order
A)Mirabai, Kabir Nizamuddin Auliya, Tulsidas
B)Nizamuddin Auliya, Kabir, Mirabai, Tulsidas
C)Kabir, Nizamuddin Auliya, Tulsidas, Mirabai
D)Tulsidas, Mirabai, Kabir, Nizamuddin Auliya
Answer: Nizamuddin Auliya, Kabir, Mirabai, Tulsidas
- Q. Sufi Sect’ originated and developed in
Answer: Islam
- Q. The earliest Sufi order to arrive in India was
Answer: Chisti
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are not correct about Bhagavatism and Krishna Cult (Bhakti Cult)? I. Bhagavatism is a branch of Vaishnavism, where the devotees worship the various avatars of Lord Vishnu. II. The origin of Bhagavatism or Vaishnavism has been sought in the Upanishadic period because in the ‘Chandogya Upanishad’ Krishna is described as a disciple of the sage Ghora.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Neither I nor II
- Q. Who wrote biography of Chaitanya?
B)Krishnadasa Kaviraja
C)Shankar Dev
D)Both A & B
Answer: Krishnadasa Kaviraja
- Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saints scored a triumph over the Saivas in public debate at the court of Krishna Deva Raya of Vijyanagar?
A)Chaitanya Maha Prabhu
B)Guru Nanak
Answer: Vallabhacharya
- Q. Who wrote a commentry of Bhagvat Gita called Gnaneswari?
D)Both A & B
Answer: Gnandeva
- Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saint emphasised the essential oneness of all religion by describing Hindus and Muslims ‘as pots of the same clay’?
Answer: Kabir
- Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the early traditions of Bhakti? I. In the course of the evolution of forms of worship, in many instances, poet-saints emerged as leaders around whom there developed a community of devotees. II. Brahmanas remained important intermediaries between gods and devotees in several forms of bhakti. III. At a different level, historians of religion often classify bhakti traditions into two broad categories: saguna (with attributes) and nirguna (without attributes)
A)I and II
B)Only I
C)I and III
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. Who among the following was born into a Rathore royal family of Kudki district of Pali, Rajasthan and was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna?
Answer: Mirabai
- Q. Which of the following text introduces bhakti marga (the path of faith/devotion) as one of three ways to spiritual freedom and release?
D)Bhagwat Gita
Answer: Bhagwat Gita
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Bhakti Saint Chaitanya? I. He popularised the Krishna Cult in Bengal. II. He believes that through love and devotion, song and dance, a devotee can feel the presence of God?
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Both I & II
- Q. What is meant by a ‘Pir’ in the Sufi tradition?
A)The Guru of the Sufis
B)The Supreme God
C)The greatest of all Sufi saints
D)The orthodox teacher who contests the Sufi beliefs
Answer: The Guru of the Sufis
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