More Questions on Bhakti Movement
- Q. Which of the following Bhakti Cult preached under the Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas?
A)Vashnavaite Alwars
B)Saivaite Nayanmars
C)Both A & B
Answer: Both A & B
- Q. Find out the correct statement (s) related to the features of Bhakti Movement? I. Its proponents preached the ‘unity of the god-head’ and emphasized that ‘devotion to God’ and faith in him led to salvation. II. It laid stress on equality of all human beings and universal brotherhood.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Both I & II
- Q. Find out the contributions of Bhakti Movement in India: I. Surge in vernacular Literature II. Development of Philosophies III. Devotional transformation of society and Inclusiveness IV. New forms of Worship
B)I, II & IV
C)Both I & IV
D)Only IV
Answer: I, II, III & IV
- Q. In Tamil Nadu, the movement started with __________ and __________
A)The Vaisnava Alvars
B)The Saiva Nayanars
C)Nirguna Saints
D)Both A & B
Answer: Both A & B
- Q. Which of the following Bhakti Saint popularised Vaishnava cult in Gujarat?
D)Sankar Dev
Answer: Narasi
- Q. Which of the following Bhakti saint of Maharashtra responsible for creating a background for Maratha nationalism and also opposed all social distinctions?
Answer: Tukaram
- Q. Which Bhakti Saints known as Sri Gauranga, was a popular Vaishnava saint and reformer from Bengal?
Answer: Chaitanya
- Q. The most important saint of the Bhakti Movement in Maharashtra who was born at Satara and is said to have died in Punjab, was
D)Guru Ramdas
Answer: Namadeva
- Q. Select the correct statement related to the Bhakti Movement in Medieval History in India
A)To the theistic devotional trend that emerged in medieval Hinduism and later revolutionised in Jainism
B)To the theistic devotional trend that emerged in medieval Hinduism and later revolutionised in Buddhism
C)To the theistic devotional trend that emerged in medieval Hinduism and later revolutionised in Sikhism
D)None of the above
Answer: To the theistic devotional trend that emerged in medieval Hinduism and later revolutionised in Sikhism
- Q. Rudra Sampradaya School was founded by
Answer: Vallabhacharya
- Q. Which statement is not the advocacy of Nirguna Saints?
A)It is the concept of a formless God, which has no attributes or quality
B)It advocated the worshiped the anthropomorphic manifestations of the divine being, particularly Rama and Krishna
C)It conceived as Ishvara, the personal and purely spiritual aspect of godhead, beyond all names and forms (nama-rupa), and is to be apprehended only by inner (mystical) experience
D)None of the above
Answer: It advocated the worshiped the anthropomorphic manifestations of the divine being, particularly Rama and Krishna
- Q. Which Bhakti Saints writings influenced Hinduism’s Bhakti movement and his verses are found in Sikhism’s scripture Adi Granth?
Answer: Kabir
- Q. Who among the following was/were not disciples of Ramananda?
A)Sena & Sadhana
B)Kabir & Raidas
C)Dhanna & Naraharai
D)Tulsidas & Mirabai
Answer: Tulsidas & Mirabai
- Q. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was an ascetic Hindu monk and social reformer in 16th century was from
Answer: Bengal
- Q. Sundar Vilas is the work of a famous Bhakti Saint
A)Guru Nanak
Answer: Dadu
- Q. What is meant by a ‘Pir’ in the Sufi tradition?
A)The Guru of the Sufis
B)The Supreme God
C)The greatest of all Sufi saints
D)The orthodox teacher who contests the Sufi beliefs
Answer: The Guru of the Sufis
- Q. Which statement (s) is/are correct related to the Ramananda? I. He worshipped Ram and Sita but preached the oneness of God and the doctrine of Bhakti for everyone II. Dismissed the caste system and untouchability, simplified rules of worship and made rigidity of the Varnashrama tradition milder
A)II only
B)I only
C)Both I and II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Both I and II
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Dadu Dayal or Dadu: I. He was a worshipper of Lord Krishna. II. He was not for caste or class distinctions and his objective was establishing harmony among all faiths.
A)II only
B)I only
C)Both I and II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: II only
- Q. Which Bhakti saint preached the concept of Vishishtadvaita?
Answer: Ramanuja
- Q. Select the incorrect statement (s) about Bhakti Saint Ramananda. I. He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God. II. He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma’.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Neither I nor II
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