Q. Unit Trust of India (UTI) was bifurcated (into UTI-I and UTI-II) in:

Correct Answer

the year 2003

More Questions on Indian Economy

  • Q. One rupee currency note in India bears the signature of-
    A)Finance minister of India
    B)The president of India
    C)Governor (RBI)
    D)Finance secretary of Government of India
    Answer: Finance secretary of Government of India
  • Q. In India the first bank of limited liability managed by Indian and founded in 1881 was:
    A)Hindustan Commercial Bank
    B)Punjab National Bank
    C)Oudh commercial Bank.
    D)Punjab and Sind Bank
    Answer: Oudh commercial Bank.
  • Q. Which of the following is not viewed as a national debt?
    A)Life Insurance Policies
    B)Provident Fund
    C)National Saving Certificate
    D)Long-term Government Bonds
    Answer: National Saving Certificate
  • Q. Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established in:
    Answer: 1964
  • Q. Who is the author of the book Man and Economics?
    A)Robert Mundel
    B)Rudi Dornbusch
    C)Myron Scholes
    D)George Akerlof
    Answer: Robert Mundel
  • Q. The main rubber producing state in the country is:
    A)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Kerala
  • Q. The first national commission on labours was constituted on:
    A)December 24, 1967
    B)November 24, 1966
    C)December 24, 1966.
    D)November 24, 1967
    Answer: December 24, 1966.
  • Q. Government has merged Annapurna Scheme with:
    C)National Old Age Pension Scheme
    D)None of these
    Answer: National Old Age Pension Scheme
  • Q. How many banks were nationalized in 1969?
    Answer: 14
  • Q. Ten rupee notes contain the signature of:
    A)Chairman, SBI
    B)Governor, RBI
    C)Finance Secretary, GOI
    D)Finance Minister , GOI
    Answer: Governor, RBI
  • Q. The Indian state which was the first to release state level Human Development Report in 1995 was:
    C)Madhya Pradesh
    D)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Madhya Pradesh
  • Q. The Ministry and programme Implementation – as an independent Ministry came into existence on :
    A)January 15, 1998
    B)October 15, 1999
    C)September 15, 1999
    D)June 15, 1999
    Answer: October 15, 1999
  • Q. Redistribution polices geared to reduce economic inequalities include
    A)land reforms
    B)rural development policies
    C)progressive tax policies
    D)All the above
    Answer: All the above
  • Q. Short-term finance is usually for a period ranging up to
    A)10 months
    B)5 months
    C)12 months
    D)15 months
    Answer: 12 months
  • Q. Revenue of the state governments are raised from the following sources, except
    A)expenditure tax
    B)entertainment tax
    C)agricultural income tax
    D)land revenue
    Answer: agricultural income tax
  • Q. Resurgent India bonds were issued in US dollar, Pound Sterling and
    A)Deutsche Mark
    B)Japanese Yen
    D)French Franc
    Answer: Deutsche Mark
  • Q. Which of the following is the first Indian private company to sign an accord with Government of Myanmar for oil exploration in two offshore blocks in that country?
    A)Essar Oil
    B)Reliance Energy
    Answer: Essar Oil
  • Q. In the state of India, the State Financial Corporation have given assistance mainly to develop
    A)cottage industry
    B)large-scale industries
    C)agricultural farms
    D)medium and small-scale industries
    Answer: medium and small-scale industries
  • Q. How many Regional Rural Bank (RRBs) are working in the country till 31st March,2010?
    Answer: 82
  • Q. With which country did India’s comprehensive Economic partnership Agreement come into effect on August 1, 2011?
    B)South Korea
    Answer: Japan

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