Q. The Planets that have no natural satellites are ________.

Correct Answer

Mercury and Venus

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    B)Rosewood, Mahogany, Rubber
    C)Teak, Sal, Bamboo
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    Answer: Rajasthan
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    B)The Grand Banks off Newfoundland
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    B)Yamuna Canal
    C)Indira Gandhi Canal
    D)Upper Doab River
    Answer: Indira Gandhi Canal
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    A)35 gm.
    B)39 gm.
    C)37 gm.
    D)32 gm.
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    B)At Equator
    C)At Tropic of Cancer
    D)At Poles
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    B)Red Sea and Arabian Sea
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    B)The Shillong plateau
    C)The Siwaliks
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    B)Northern and eastern
    C)Southern and eastern
    D)Northern and southern
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    A)21st March
    B)21st June
    C)22nd December
    D)23rd March
    Answer: 22nd December
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    D)Araku Valley
    Answer: Ootacamund

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