Q. The office of the prime minister of India

Correct Answer

is created by the constitution

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    B)Review of its own verdict
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    B)Adjoumment motion
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    A)President of India
    B)Prime Minister of India
    C)Judge of Supreme Court
    D)Judge of High Court
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    B)Barmer (Rajasthan)
    C)Laddakh (Jammu and Kashmir)
    D)Uttaranchal East (Uttaranchal)
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    A)Within two months
    B)Within one month
    C)Within four months
    D)Within six months
    Answer: Within one month
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    A)Chief Justice
    C)Prime Minister
    D)Council of Ministers
    Answer: President
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    A)By the Parliament alone
    B)By the State Legislatures acting together
    C)With the joint approval of the Parliament and State Legislatures
    D)Only on ratification by half of the States
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    A)Supreme Court
    C)Prime Minister
    Answer: Parliament
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    A)criticism of its policies
    B)questions and supplementary questions
    C)adjournment motion
    D)All of the above
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    A)Independence of Judiciary
    B)Supremacy of the Constitution
    C)Rule of Law, Principal of Equality
    D)Judicial Review and Secularism
    Answer: E
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    A)Article 12
    B)Article 15
    C)Article 17
    D)Article 20
    Answer: Article 12
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    A)Estimates Committee
    B)Public Accounts Committee
    C)Finance Ministry
    D)Committee on Public Undertakings
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    Answer: 40
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    A)Sonia Gandhi
    B)Meera Kumar
    C)Sushma Swaraj
    D)Margret Alva
    Answer: Meera Kumar

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