More Questions on Bhakti Movement
- Q. Which ascetics of the Yoga school of Hindu philosophy influenced the Ramananda?
A)Krishna Cult
D)None of the above
Answer: Nathpanthi
- Q. The Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashanavaite Alwar preached the Bhakti Cult under which of the following rulers?
A)Pallavas, Cheras and Rashtrakutas
B)Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas
C)Pallavas, Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms
D)Cheras & Pandavas
Answer: Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas
- Q. Select the correct order
A)Mirabai, Kabir Nizamuddin Auliya, Tulsidas
B)Nizamuddin Auliya, Kabir, Mirabai, Tulsidas
C)Kabir, Nizamuddin Auliya, Tulsidas, Mirabai
D)Tulsidas, Mirabai, Kabir, Nizamuddin Auliya
Answer: Nizamuddin Auliya, Kabir, Mirabai, Tulsidas
- Q. Which of the following is/are the compositions of Kabir?
A)Kabir Granthawali& Anurag Sagar
B)Bijak & Sakhi Granth
C)Only B
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. Who among the following was born into a Rathore royal family of Kudki district of Pali, Rajasthan and was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna?
Answer: Mirabai
- Q. Who founded the faith on a ritual-free, simple “Sat Shri Akal” or the worship of God and truth?
A)Guru Nanak
B)Dadu Dayal
C)Sri Chaitanya
D)Guru Govind Singh
Answer: Guru Nanak
- Q. The Sufi saint who maintained that devotional music was one way of moving closer to God was
A)Baba Farid
C)Saiyid Mummed
D)Shah Alam Bukhari
Answer: Baba Farid
- Q. Who strongly opposed sectarianism and rites and insisted on adoption of Hindi in place of Sanskrit?
Answer: Ramananda
- Q. Which of the following is an intensely emotional form of Hinduism that flourished from the sixteenth century, mainly in Bengal and eastern Orissa?
A)Krishna cult of Vallabhacharya
B)Gaudiya Sampradaya
C)Shiva cult of Vallabhacharya
D)None of the above
Answer: Gaudiya Sampradaya
- Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saints scored a triumph over the Saivas in public debate at the court of Krishna Deva Raya of Vijyanagar?
A)Chaitanya Maha Prabhu
B)Guru Nanak
Answer: Vallabhacharya
- Q. Who among the following propagated Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma?
Answer: Madhava
- Q. Which Bhakti Saint did not believe in the qualified monism of Ramanuja and emphasised the doctrine of duality, based mainly upon the Bhagavata Purana?
Answer: Madhava
- Q. The Bhakti cult spread in Maharashtra with the teaching of
A)Sant Jnanesvar
B)Sant Tukaram
C)Samarth Guru Ramdas
D)Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Answer: Sant Tukaram
- Q. Who wrote Shiksha Ashtak which was called as the cream of the Shastras?
Answer: Chaitanya
- Q. The concept of Sagunabrahmana was the outcome of which concept of Bhakti Movement?
D)None of the above
Answer: Nirgunabraman
- Q. Who preaches Vishishtadvaita?
A)Saivaite Nayanmars
Answer: Ramanuja
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is correct about Alvar Saints?
A)The 63 Alvars saints were the Shiva devotional poets, who lived between 5th and 10th centuries
B)The twelve Alvars were Tamil poet-saints, who lived between 6th and 9th centuries AD and espoused 'emotional devotion' or bhakti to Visnu-Krishna in their songs
C)Only B
D)Both A & B
Answer: The twelve Alvars were Tamil poet-saints, who lived between 6th and 9th centuries AD and espoused 'emotional devotion' or bhakti to Visnu-Krishna in their songs
- Q. Select the incorrect statement (s) about Bhakti Saint Ramananda. I. He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God. II. He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma’.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Neither I nor II
- Q. Select the correct statement (s) related to the Vallabhacharya: I. His doctrine came to be known as “Pushti Marga” for his successors laid stress on the physical side of Krishna’s sports. II. He is the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON, commonly called the “Hare Krishnas”
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Only I
- Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are not correct about Bhagavatism and Krishna Cult (Bhakti Cult)? I. Bhagavatism is a branch of Vaishnavism, where the devotees worship the various avatars of Lord Vishnu. II. The origin of Bhagavatism or Vaishnavism has been sought in the Upanishadic period because in the ‘Chandogya Upanishad’ Krishna is described as a disciple of the sage Ghora.
A)Only II
B)Only I
C)Both I & II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: Neither I nor II
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