Q. The largest coral reef in the world is found near the coast of which one of the following countries ?

Correct Answer


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    B)Kaziranga National park (Assam)
    C)Keoladeo National Park (Rajasthan)
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    Answer: E
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    A)Region within 5º of the Equator
    B)An imaginary line connecting places of the same altitude
    C)It is 180º Meridian from Greenwich
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    B)In the South Atlantic Ocean
    C)In the Mediterranean Sea
    D)At Greenwich Observatory in England
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    B)Only on lunar day
    C)Full Moon and half Moon
    D)Only half Moon
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    B)Folding of the earth's crust
    C)Accumulation of loess deposits
    D)Faulting of the earth's crust
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    B)Mulberry tree
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    D)Cocoa plant
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