Q. The Indian state which was the first to release state level Human Development Report in 1995 was:

Correct Answer

Madhya Pradesh

More Questions on Indian Economy

  • Q. Which of the following is not viewed as a national debt?
    A)Life Insurance Policies
    B)National Saving Certificate
    C)Provident Fund
    D)Long-term Government Bonds
    Answer: National Saving Certificate
  • Q. The ARDC is now a branch of the
    Answer: NABARD
  • Q. Development expenditure of the Central government does not include
    A)expenditure on economic services
    B)expenditure on social and community services
    C)defence expenditure
    D)grant to states
    Answer: defence expenditure
  • Q. Reserve Bank of India will soon release plastic notes in circulation will be of :
    A)Rs 20 notes
    B)Rs 50 notes
    C)Rs 100 notes
    D)Rs 10 notes
    Answer: Rs 10 notes
  • Q. The first wholly Indian Bank was set up in
    Answer: 1894
  • Q. Regional rural banks I=have limited area of operation II=have free access to liberal refinance facilities from NABARD III=are required to lend only to weaker sections
    A)II, III
    B)I, III
    C)I, II, III
    D)I, II
    Answer: I, II
  • Q. Short-term finance is usually for a period ranging up to
    A)10 months
    B)12 months
    C)5 months
    D)15 months
    Answer: 12 months
  • Q. With which country did India’s comprehensive Economic partnership Agreement come into effect on August 1, 2011?
    B)South Korea
    Answer: Japan
  • Q. The currency convertibility concept in its original form originated in
    A)Bretton Woods Agreement
    B)Wells Agreement
    C)Taylors Agreement
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Bretton Woods Agreement
  • Q. Gilt-edged market means
    A)market of government securities
    B)market of guns
    C)bullion market
    D)market of pure metals
    Answer: market of government securities
  • Q. The Indian state which was the first to release state level Human Development Report in 1995 was:
    B)Madhya Pradesh
    D)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Madhya Pradesh
  • Q. As per the 2009-10, data the commodity with highest share in total export value was:
    A)Engineering goods
    B)Gems and Jewellery.
    C)Petroleum products
    Answer: Gems and Jewellery.
  • Q. In pursuance with the recommendations of Narsimham Committee, the RBI has framed new guidelines
    A)to reduce the freedom given to banks to rationalize their existing branch network
    B)to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
    C)to setup more foreign exchange banks
    D)to lend more easily for industrial development
    Answer: to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
  • Q. Gross domestic capital formation is defined as
    A)expenditure incurred on physical assets only
    B)production exceeding demand
    C)flow of expenditure devoted to increased or maintaining of the capital stock
    D)net addition to stock after depreciation
    Answer: net addition to stock after depreciation
  • Q. When personal direct taxes are subtracted from personal income the obtained value is called:
    A)National Income
    B)Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    C)Gross National Product (GNP)
    D)Personal Income
    Answer: Gross National Product (GNP)
  • Q. The Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) came into existence in
    Answer: 1987
  • Q. Redistribution polices geared to reduce economic inequalities include
    A)land reforms
    B)rural development policies
    C)progressive tax policies
    D)All the above
    Answer: All the above
  • Q. How many banks were nationalized in 1969?
    Answer: 14
  • Q. The currency convertibility concept in its original form originated in
    A)Bretton Woods Agreement
    B)Taylors Agreement
    C)Wells Agreement
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Bretton Woods Agreement
  • Q. Inflation is measured in India on the basis of which ‘Index’?
    A)Consumer Price Index for urban workers
    B)Consumer Price Index for agricultural workers
    C)Wholesale Price Index
    D)National income deflation
    Answer: Wholesale Price Index

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