Q. The Foreign Exchange Management Act(FEMA) was passed in:

Correct Answer

the year 1999

More Questions on Indian Economy

  • Q. On which one of the following is the benefits received principle of taxation to achieve optimality bases?
    A)Total benefit received
    B)Marginal benefit received
    C)Average benefit received
    D)Ability to pay for the benefit
    Answer: Ability to pay for the benefit
  • Q. National Rural Health mission was launched in:
    A)August 2005
    B)October 2005
    C)April 2005
    D)July 2005
    Answer: April 2005
  • Q. One rupee currency note in India bears the signature of-
    A)Finance minister of India
    B)Governor (RBI)
    C)The president of India
    D)Finance secretary of Government of India
    Answer: Finance secretary of Government of India
  • Q. As per the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) Economic Outlook 2011-12, Indian economy is expected to expand by:
    A)8.0% in 2011-12
    B)8.5% in 2011-12
    C)8.2% in 2011-12
    D)7.8% in 2011-12
    Answer: 8.0% in 2011-12
  • Q. During which five Year plan was phase of heavy industrialization initiated?
    A)First five year plan
    B)Third five year plan
    C)Second five year plan.
    D)Fourth five year plan
    Answer: Second five year plan.
  • Q. Deficit financing leads to inflation in general, but it can be checked if
    A)only aggregate demand is increased
    B)all the expenditure is denoted national debt payment only
    C)government expenditure leads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. In Global Hunger Index (GHI) India has been ranked at:
    A)102nd place among 117 developing countries
    B)96th place among 119 developing countries
    C)105th place among 117 developing countries
    D)109th place among 117 developing countries
    Answer: 102nd place among 117 developing countries
  • Q. Aam Admi Bima Yojana was launched on:
    A)March 5, 2009
    B)March 10, 2008
    C)November 14, 2011
    D)October 2, 2007
    Answer: October 2, 2007
  • Q. Green Banking channel has been launched by:
    A)State Bank of India
    B)Punjab National Bank
    C)Reserve Bank of India
    D)Bank of Baroda
    Answer: State Bank of India
  • Q. Who is the author of the book Man and Economics?
    A)Robert Mundel
    B)Myron Scholes
    C)Rudi Dornbusch
    D)George Akerlof
    Answer: Robert Mundel
  • Q. National Electricity Policy envisages elimination of power shortage by 2012 through addition of:
    A)75000 Megawatt
    B)100000 Megawatt.
    C)50000 Megawatt
    D)125000 Megawatt
    Answer: 100000 Megawatt.
  • Q. Devaluation of currency will be more beneficial if
    A)prices of exports remain constant
    B)prices of imports remains constant
    C)prices of domestic goods remain constant
    D)prices of exports rise proportionately
    Answer: prices of exports remain constant
  • Q. The average rate of domestic savings (gross) for the Indian economy is currently estimated to be in the range of
    A)20 to 25 percent
    B)25 to 30 percent
    C)15 to 20 percent
    D)30 to 35 percent
    Answer: 20 to 25 percent
  • Q. Excise duty is a tax levied on the
    A)export of goods
    B)production of goods
    C)import of goods
    D)sale of goods
    Answer: production of goods
  • Q. The Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) came into existence in
    Answer: 1987
  • Q. If all the banks in an economy are nationalized and converted into a monopoly bank, the total deposits
    A)will increase
    B)will decrease
    C)will neither increase nor decrease
    D)None of the above
    Answer: will neither increase nor decrease
  • Q. The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in the hand and total assets. This is called
    A)Statutory Liquid Ratio (SLR)
    B)Statutory Bank Ratio (SBR)
    C)Central Bank Reserve (CBR)
    D)Central Liquid Reserve (CLR)
    Answer: Statutory Liquid Ratio (SLR)
  • Q. As per the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) Economic Outlook 2011-12, Indian economy is expected to expand by:
    A)8.0% in 2011-12
    B)8.2% in 2011-12
    C)8.5% in 2011-12
    D)7.8% in 2011-12
    Answer: 8.0% in 2011-12
  • Q. Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established in:
    Answer: 1964
  • Q. If utensils worth Rs 1000 are produced with copper worth Rs 500, wages paid are Rs 100, other material purchased is worth Rs 100 and depreciation of machinery is zero, then what is the value added in process?
    A)Rs 500
    B)Rs 1000
    C)Rs 400
    D)Rs 300
    Answer: Rs 300

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