More Questions on Indian Economy
- Q. The average rate of domestic savings (gross) for the Indian economy is currently estimated to be in the range of
A)20 to 25 percent
B)25 to 30 percent
C)15 to 20 percent
D)30 to 35 percent
Answer: 20 to 25 percent
- Q. Since independence, both development and non-development expenditures have increased; the increase in the former being a little more than in the other. Non-development expenditure involves I=interest payments II=subsidies III=defence IV=irrigation
Answer: I, II, III
- Q. Which of the following items would not appear in a company’s balance sheet?
A)Total issued capital
B)Value of stocks of raw materials held
C)Revenue from sales of the company's products
D)Cash held at the bank
Answer: Revenue from sales of the company's products
- Q. The main rubber producing state in the country is:
A)Tamil Nadu
Answer: Kerala
- Q. Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfers are
C)tax sharing
D)All the above
Answer: All the above
- Q. Earn While you Learn scheme has been launched by:
A)Ministry of Youth
B)Both A and B
C)Ministry of Tourism
D)None of these
Answer: Ministry of Tourism
- Q. Who is the author of the book Man and Economics?
A)Robert Mundel
B)Rudi Dornbusch
C)Myron Scholes
D)George Akerlof
Answer: Robert Mundel
- Q. Who gave the call for Evergreen Revolution?
A)Verghese Kurien
B)M. S. Swaminathan
C)Tribhuvandas Patel
D)H. M. Dalaya
Answer: M. S. Swaminathan
- Q. Devaluation of currency will be more beneficial if
A)prices of exports remain constant
B)prices of imports remains constant
C)prices of domestic goods remain constant
D)prices of exports rise proportionately
Answer: prices of exports remain constant
- Q. The number of finance commissions set up upto now is:
Answer: 15
- Q. National food for Work programme aimed at intensifying the generation of supplementary wage employment was launched in:
A)September 2003
B)October 2004
C)November 2004
D)January 2004
Answer: November 2004
- Q. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the RBI, its impact on credit creation will be to
A)decrease it
B)increase it
C)no impact
D)None of the above
Answer: increase it
- Q. Rice, Millet (Jawar-Bajra ), Maize and cotton is the group which belongs to:
A)Kharif crop
B)Both A and B
C)Rabi crop
D)None of the above
Answer: Kharif crop
- Q. Development expenditure of the Central government does not include
A)expenditure on economic services
B)expenditure on social and community services
C)defence expenditure
D)grant to states
Answer: defence expenditure
- Q. How many banks were nationalized in 1969?
Answer: 14
- Q. As per the targets of 11th Five year Plan (2007-12) Mortality Rate (2012) has been targeted at:
A)1 per 10000 births
B)1 per 1000 births
C)1 per 100 births
D)1 per 10 births
Answer: 1 per 1000 births
- Q. Project ‘Sankalp’ is associated with the elimination of:
C)Both A and B
D)None of the above
Answer: AIDS/HIV
- Q. Monopolies and restrictive Trade practices (MRTP) act was passed in:
Answer: 1969
- Q. India changed over to the decimal system of coinage in
A)April 1957
B)April 1958
C)April 1995
D)April 1959
Answer: April 1957
- Q. Reserve Bank of India will soon release plastic notes in circulation will be of :
A)Rs 20 notes
B)Rs 50 notes
C)Rs 100 notes
D)Rs 10 notes
Answer: Rs 10 notes
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