More Questions on Indian Economy
- Q. The currency convertibility concept in its original form originated in
A)Bretton Woods Agreement
B)Taylors Agreement
C)Wells Agreement
D)None of the above
Answer: Bretton Woods Agreement
- Q. The share of road transport in total transportation of the country is:
Answer: 80%
- Q. The annual yield from which of the following Union Government taxes is the highest?
A)Corporation tax and income tax
B)Custom duties
C)Inheritance tax, wealth tax, interest tax and gift tax
D)Excise duties
Answer: Excise duties
- Q. The total number of national highways in the country is:
Answer: E
- Q. During which five year plan was the annual growth rate registered at 2.5%?
A)First Five Year Plan (1961-66)
B)Second Five Year Plan (1961-66)
C)Fourth Five Year Plan (1961-66)
D)Third Five Year Plan (1961-66)
Answer: Third Five Year Plan (1961-66)
- Q. With the objective of opening the insurance sector for private participation the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act (IRDA) was passed in:
A)the year 1999
B)the year 2005
C)the year 1998
D)the year 1990
Answer: the year 1999
- Q. Foreign Direct Investment ceiling in the telecom sector have been raised from 74 percent to
A)83 percent
B)80 percent
C)90 percent
D)100 percent
Answer: 100 percent
- Q. In India the first bank of limited liability managed by Indian and founded in 1881 was:
A)Hindustan Commercial Bank
B)Punjab National Bank
C)Oudh commercial Bank.
D)Punjab and Sind Bank
Answer: Oudh commercial Bank.
- Q. Subsidies mean
A)payment made by business enterprises to factors of production
B)payment made by companies to shareholders
C)payment by government for purchase of goods and services
D)payment made by the government to business enterprises, without buying any goods and services
Answer: payment made by the government to business enterprises, without buying any goods and services
- Q. Which of the following items would not appear in a company’s balance sheet?
A)Total issued capital
B)Value of stocks of raw materials held
C)Revenue from sales of the company's products
D)Cash held at the bank
Answer: Revenue from sales of the company's products
- Q. Excess of Total Expenditure over total Receipts is :
A)Surplus Budget
B)Balanced Budget
C)Deficit Budget
D)None of the above
Answer: Deficit Budget
- Q. Open market operation is a part of:
A)Debit Policy
B)Deposit Policy
C)Credit Policy
D)None of these
Answer: Credit Policy
- Q. Which company has started a rural marketing network called e-Chaupals?
B)Procor and Gamble
D)Hindustan liver
Answer: ITC
- Q. The Indian state which was the first to release state level Human Development Report in 1995 was:
B)Madhya Pradesh
D)Tamil Nadu
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
- Q. Gross domestic capital formation is defined as
A)expenditure incurred on physical assets only
B)flow of expenditure devoted to increased or maintaining of the capital stock
C)production exceeding demand
D)net addition to stock after depreciation
Answer: net addition to stock after depreciation
- Q. Who is the author of the book Man and Economics?
A)Robert Mundel
B)Rudi Dornbusch
C)Myron Scholes
D)George Akerlof
Answer: Robert Mundel
- Q. In India, the state which has the largest forest cover is:
A)Arunachal Pradesh
B)Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
- Q. Finance Commission is constituted after every:
A)5 years
B)6 years
C)3 years
D)4 years
Answer: 5 years
- Q. Revenue of the state governments are raised from the following sources, except
A)expenditure tax
B)agricultural income tax
C)entertainment tax
D)land revenue
Answer: agricultural income tax
- Q. The Twenty Point programme (TPP) conceived with the objective of improving quality of life of people was first initiated in:
Answer: 1975
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