More Questions on Indian Economy
- Q. In April 1980 how many banks were nationalized?
A)eight banks
B)six banks
C)five banks
D)nine banks
Answer: six banks
- Q. A proportion of the total deposits and reserves of the commercial banks that is to be kept with the Central Bank (RBI) on liquid form as a measure of control of RBI over the Commercial Banks is known as:
A)Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
B)Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
C)Bank rate
D)Mandatory deposit
Answer: Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
- Q. Navaratna Status is concerned with:
A)Private Sector Companies
B)Both A and B
C)Public Sector Companies
D)None of the above
Answer: Public Sector Companies
- Q. In India the first bank of limited liability managed by Indian and founded in 1881 was:
A)Hindustan Commercial Bank
B)Oudh commercial Bank.
C)Punjab National Bank
D)Punjab and Sind Bank
Answer: Oudh commercial Bank.
- Q. The condition of indirect taxes in the country’s revenue is approximately
A)75 percent
B)80 percent
C)70 percent
D)86 percent
Answer: 86 percent
- Q. Which of the following items would not appear in a company’s balance sheet?
A)Total issued capital
B)Revenue from sales of the company's products
C)Value of stocks of raw materials held
D)Cash held at the bank
Answer: Revenue from sales of the company's products
- Q. The programme which was launched in 1974-75 with the main objectives of improving the utilization of created irrigation potential is:
A)Cordial Area Development
B)Command Area Development (CAD)
C)Copper Area Development
D)Cop Authority Development
Answer: Command Area Development (CAD)
- Q. National expenditure includes
A)investment expenditure
B)consumption expenditure
C)government expenditure
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. If utensils worth Rs 1000 are produced with copper worth Rs 500, wages paid are Rs 100, other material purchased is worth Rs 100 and depreciation of machinery is zero, then what is the value added in process?
A)Rs 500
B)Rs 1000
C)Rs 400
D)Rs 300
Answer: Rs 300
- Q. The first wholly Indian Bank was set up in
Answer: 1894
- Q. One of the reasons for India’s occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the years has been that
A)productivity in agriculture has been high enough to induce people to stay with agriculture
B)investment pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries
C)ceiling on land holdings have enabled more people to own land and hence their preference to stay wit
D)people are largely unaware of the significance of transition from agriculture to industry for econom
Answer: investment pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries
- Q. Finance Commission is constituted after every:
A)5 years
B)6 years
C)3 years
D)4 years
Answer: 5 years
- Q. Gross domestic capital formation is defined as
A)expenditure incurred on physical assets only
B)flow of expenditure devoted to increased or maintaining of the capital stock
C)production exceeding demand
D)net addition to stock after depreciation
Answer: net addition to stock after depreciation
- Q. Depreciation means
A)closure of a plant due to labour trouble
B)loss of equipment over time due to wear and tear
C)closure of a plant due to lock out
D)destruction of a plant in a fire accident
Answer: loss of equipment over time due to wear and tear
- Q. The ARDC is now a branch of the
Answer: NABARD
- Q. Depreciation means
A)closure of a plant due to labour trouble
B)closure of a plant due to lock out
C)loss of equipment over time due to wear and tear
D)destruction of a plant in a fire accident
Answer: loss of equipment over time due to wear and tear
- Q. Of the gross tax revenue of the Union Government the indirect taxes account for nearly
A)75 percent
B)70 per cent
C)65 percent
D)60 percent
Answer: 65 percent
- Q. In India, the first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881 was
A)Oudh Commercial Bank
B)Hindustan Commercial Bank
C)Punjab National Bank
D)Punjab and Sind Bank
Answer: Oudh Commercial Bank
- Q. The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in the hand and total assets. This is called
A)Statutory Liquid Ratio (SLR)
B)Central Bank Reserve (CBR)
C)Statutory Bank Ratio (SBR)
D)Central Liquid Reserve (CLR)
Answer: Statutory Liquid Ratio (SLR)
- Q. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the RBI, its impact on credit creation will be to
A)decrease it
B)no impact
C)increase it
D)None of the above
Answer: increase it
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