Q. The Brahmaputra, Irrawady and Mekong rivers originate in Tibet and flow through narrow and parallel mountain ranges in their upper reaches: Of these rivers, Brahmaputra makes a “U” turn in its course to flow into India. This “U” turn is due to

Correct Answer

Both A and B above

More Questions on Geography

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    C)Uttar Pradesh
    D)Madhya Pradesh
    Answer: Madhya Pradesh
  • Q. Agents of fog formation do not include ________
    A)Winter season
    B)High relative humidity
    C)Diurnal temperatures of short ranges
    D)Rapid radiation
    Answer: Diurnal temperatures of short ranges
  • Q. The reason for Rajasthan being deficient in rainfall is ________
    A)There is no water available and thus the winds remain dry
    B)The monsoon fail to reach this area
    C)It is too hot
    D)The winds do not come across any barrier to cause necessary uplift to be cooled
    Answer: The winds do not come across any barrier to cause necessary uplift to be cooled
  • Q. Which of the following types of rainfall occurs at places having continental type of climate?
    D)Rainfall does not occur at these places
    Answer: Cyclonic
  • Q. The average rainfall in India is about:
    A)110 cm
    B)100 cm
    C)125 cm
    D)140 cm
    Answer: 125 cm
  • Q. Which of the following is not an international airport?
    C)Dum Dum
    Answer: E
  • Q. Which of the following is incorrect?
    A)At the summer solstice the sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn
    B)Within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles there is at least one day in the year during which the sun does not set and at least one day on which it never rises
    C)At the North Pole there is darkness for half the year
    D)The sun shines vertically over the Equator twice the year
    Answer: At the summer solstice the sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn
  • Q. Which of the following statements is/are not true? 1. Chemical weathering is most common in limestone rocks 2. Chemical weathering is most active in wet regions with higher temperature 3. Rain action is a form of chemical weathering 4. Exfoliation is a process of chemical weathering
    A)1 and 2
    B)1 and 4
    C)2 and 3
    Answer: 4
  • Q. International date line is a/an
    A)Zigzag line
    B)Straight line
    C)Curved line
    D)Elliptical line
    Answer: Zigzag line
  • Q. Put in chronological order the origin of the following industries in India : I. Jute II. Cotton Textile III. Steel IV. Cement
    A)II, I, IV, III
    B)I, II, IV, III
    C)II, I, III, IV
    D)I, II, III, IV
    Answer: II, I, III, IV
  • Q. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
    A)Pretoria : South Africa
    B)Abuja : Nigeria
    C)Ashkhabad : Turkmenistan
    D)Rabat : Yemen
    Answer: Pretoria : South Africa
  • Q. The Strait connecting Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal is ________
    A)Palk Strait
    B)Bering Strait
    C)Dover Strait
    D)Vermosa Strait
    Answer: Palk Strait
  • Q. Who proposed Continental drift theory?
    A)Alfred Hanks
    B)Alfred Wegener
    C)Alfred Worwick
    D)Alfred Mane
    Answer: Alfred Wegener
  • Q. Which of the following river crosses Tropic of Capricorn twice?
    A)Niger River
    B)Vaal River
    C)Limpopo River
    D)Zambezi River
    Answer: Limpopo River
  • Q. Which of the following connects the ocean floor level with the continental level ?
    A)Epicontinental sea
    B)Continental slope
    C)Continental shelf
    D)Sea shelf
    Answer: Continental slope
  • Q. Which one of the following is not conducive to the formation of deltas?
    A)Absence of large lakes along the course of the river
    B)Currents and Tides
    C)Calm winds
    D)Sheltered coastline
    Answer: Currents and Tides
  • Q. Where is the MIG engine manufactured in India?
    Answer: Koraput
  • Q. Synclines and anticlines are the terms associated with ________
    Answer: Folding
  • Q. Where do all meteorological incidents occur?
    Answer: Troposphere
  • Q. A ship met with an accident at 30ºC and 35ºN. The ship was sailing in the ________
    A)Mediterranean Sea
    B)Baltic Sea
    C)Black Sea
    D)Red Sea
    Answer: Mediterranean Sea

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