Q. The Bhakra Nangal Multipurpose Project is a joint venture of

Correct Answer

Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan only

More Questions on Geography

  • Q. If the atmospheric air is cooled because of expansion, the cooling is known as
    C)Lapse rate
    D)Inverse cooling
    Answer: Adiabatic
  • Q. The difference in mean temperature between the hottest and coldest months in a year is known as
    A)Annual range of temperature
    B)Average annual temperature
    C)Mean temperature
    D)Isothermic range of temperature
    Answer: Annual range of temperature
  • Q. The Laterite soil is found in
    A)Tropical areas
    B)High rainfall states
    C)In deserts
    D)Dry and humid tropical areas
    Answer: Dry and humid tropical areas
  • Q. The Metamorphism of Shale occurs in which of the following rocks?
    Answer: Slate
  • Q. Latitude of place is indicative of its ________
    A)Amount of rainfall
    Answer: Temperature
  • Q. Madhya Pradesh shares its border with how many States?
    Answer: 5
  • Q. With reference to a fresh water lake, consider the following characteristics: 1. Richness in nutrients 2. Rapid turnover of phytoplankton 3. Depletion of dissolved oxygen Which of the above is/are observed in a lake after its eutrophication?
    A)3 only
    B)1 only
    C)1 and 2 only
    D)1, 2 and 3
    Answer: 1, 2 and 3
  • Q. With reference to the sub-tropical high pressure belt, consider the following statements: 1. It is affected by Earth’s rotation and descent of winds from higher altitudes. 2. It is dynamically induced and characterized with anti-cyclonic conditions. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
    A)2 only
    B)1 only
    C)Both 1 and 2
    D)Neither 1 nor 2
    Answer: 2 only
  • Q. Which of the following river originates beyond Himalaya?
    Answer: Indus
  • Q. Rainfall caused by intense evaporation equatorial areas is called ________.
    A)Frontal rainfall
    B)Orographic rainfall
    C)Cyclonic rainfall
    D)Convectional rainfall
    Answer: Convectional rainfall
  • Q. Contours are lines showing
    A)Places on earth at the same altitude
    B)Places on earth of equal rainfall
    C)Places of same temperature
    D)None of these
    Answer: Places on earth at the same altitude
  • Q. Which country produces the maximum amount of timber?
    B)United States of America
    Answer: United States of America
  • Q. What causes earthquakes?
    A)Occurrence of cracks and fissures in rocks
    B)Occurrence of underground water
    C)Volcanic eruptions
    D)No definite cause has been found so far
    Answer: Volcanic eruptions
  • Q. Comets moves around the
    Answer: Sun
  • Q. The distance of the nearest star besides the sun from the earth is ________
    A)4.3 light years
    B)4.9 × 1111 m
    C)95 × 1015 m
    D)4.2 light years
    Answer: 4.2 light years
  • Q. Which river crosses the Equator twice?
    Answer: Congo
  • Q. Which of the following is the longest mountain range?
    A)The Andes
    B)The Himalayas
    C)The Rockies
    D)The Caucasus
    Answer: The Andes
  • Q. A rainy day as defined by the Indian Meteorological department is a day when the rainfall at a point received is
    A)1.6 mm to 2 mm in 24 hours
    B)0.5 mm to 1 mm in 24 hours
    C)1.1 mm to 1.5 mm in 24 hours
    D)Above 2.5 mm in 24 hours
    Answer: Above 2.5 mm in 24 hours
  • Q. Of the solar energy coming into the Biosphere, what percentage of it is actually used in the photosynthesis?
    A)Between 15% and 2%
    B)Less than 1
    C)Between 1% and 15%
    D)More than 2%
    Answer: More than 2%
  • Q. Arrange the following gases of the atmosphere in increasing order by volume: I. Nitrogen II. Oxygen III. Carbon dioxide IV. Argon
    A)III, IV, II, I
    B)I, II, III, IV
    C)I, II, IV, III
    D)IV, III, II, I
    Answer: III, IV, II, I

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