More Questions on Indian Railway
- Q. During single line working on double line in automatic area the speed of all train running in wrong direction shall not exceed
A)10 kmph
B)25 kmph
C)15 kmph
D)None of these
Answer: 25 kmph
- Q. If Goods Train catches fire ________ Must be preserved and sent to DCM.
B)Samples & Seal Cards
D)None of these
Answer: Samples & Seal Cards
- Q. How many Class of Accident?
D)None of these
Answer: 16
- Q. To apply for Line block, the notice shall be given to DRM not less than
A)12 hours
B)48 hours
C)24 hours
D)None of these
Answer: 24 hours
- Q. Mixed and Goods trains worked with vacuum throughout, the following number of vehicles can be attached in rear of BV.
A)Not more than two bogies or their equivalent
B)Two Bogies
C)04 four wheelers only
D)None of these
Answer: Not more than two bogies or their equivalent
- Q. During Thick or Foggy weather, 2 Detonators must be placed in rear of Engineering indicator at
A)400 meters
B)270 meters
C)90 meters
D)None of these
Answer: 90 meters
- Q. On which place the competent Railway servant shall be appointed to show proceed hand signal while receive a train on obstructed line on calling-on signal?
A)45 meters beyond the obstruction
B)At 1st facing point of station
C)Facing point of concern line
D)No need
Answer: 45 meters beyond the obstruction
- Q. In which Governor – General’s reign railway lines in India were established?
A)Lord Kenning
B)Lord William Bentick
C)Lord Cornwallis
D)Lord Dalhousie
Answer: Lord Dalhousie
- Q. After passing an automatic stop signal at ON. If the Driver finds a train or obstruction he must stop his train at ________ away from the train or obstruction.
A)150 meters
B)200 meters
C)180 meters
D)None of these
Answer: 150 meters
- Q. 2 states of North East India will be connected through Broad Gauge. They are:
A)Meghalaya and Assam
B)Manipur and Meghalaya
C)Mizoram and Manipur
D)Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: Mizoram and Manipur
- Q. Percentage of in operative cylinders that can be attached in goods train is
D)None of these
Answer: 15%
- Q. Goods warning board will be provided from FSS in BG at
A)560 meters
B)1400 meters
C)1000 meters
D)None of these
Answer: 1400 meters
- Q. How much overlap is required to be off an Automatic stop signal on double line Automatic block system?
A)90 meters
B)180 meters
C)120 meters
Answer: Zero
- Q. Single line working inforce on double line.
A)T/D 602
D)Simple memo
Answer: T/D 602
- Q. What type of speed restriction imposed for loco pilot when at LC gate communication not available between Gateman & Station Master ?
A)8 kmph
B)15 kmph
C)10 kmph
Answer: 10 kmph
- Q. If the advanced starter and IBS are defective, SM shall issue T/369(3b) authority with private number of ________ station to pass both advanced starter and IBS.
D)None of these
Answer: Next
- Q. Guard of suburban train shall sign on ________ minutes before the actual departure of the train.
Answer: 15
- Q. Engineering allowance, loco gain and traffic gain are mentioned in the ________.
D)None of these
Answer: WTT
- Q. When the Head light fails during night the speed of train is ________ in BG. If there is no other caution for less speed is the Block section
A)25 kmph
B)30 kmph
C)40 kmph
D)None of these
Answer: 40 kmph
- Q. Rajasthan is under which of the following railway zones?
A)North - Western region
B)Northern region
C)Western region
D)Central Region
Answer: North - Western region
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