More Questions on Geography

  • Q. The chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere is ________
    A)Water vapour
    Answer: Argon
  • Q. “Blue Revolution” is related to
    A)Oil production
    B)Fish production
    C)Milk production
    D)Food production
    Answer: Fish production
  • Q. Sivasamudram is an island formed by the river
    Answer: Cauvery
  • Q. The heat from Sun to Earth is called as
    A)Emitted Heat
    B)Temperature Radiation
    D)Solar Radiation
    Answer: Solar Radiation
  • Q. Which of the following current is responsible for rise in temperature in westen Europe?
    A)Canary Current
    B)Labrador Current
    C)Gulf stream
    D)North Eqatorial
    Answer: Gulf stream
  • Q. On moving from a pole to the equator we find that the population of plants and animals ________
    A)Remains unchanged
    D)Does not show any consistent behavior
    Answer: Increases
  • Q. In which area are Zoroastrians concentrated?
    B)Tamil Nadu
    C)Andhra Pradesh
    D)Madhya Pradesh
    Answer: Maharashtra
  • Q. The oceanic current named as ‘Kuroshio – Kurile and Alaskan’ are located in
    A)North Pacific Ocean
    B)North Atlantic Ocean
    C)South Atlantic Ocean
    D)North Indian Ocean
    Answer: North Pacific Ocean
  • Q. Lucerene is a
    A)Foliage crop
    B)Cereal crop
    C)Cash crop
    D)Fibre crop
    Answer: Foliage crop
  • Q. Which of the following soils is formed under typical monsoonal conditions?
    A)Laterite Soils
    B)Black Soils
    C)Red Soils
    D)None of these
    Answer: Laterite Soils
  • Q. Which of the following is known as ‘golden fiber’?
    C)Egyptian cotton
    D)Manila hemp
    Answer: Jute
  • Q. Consider the following statements: 1. In the wet temperate forests at above 1500 m on the Nilgiris and Anaimalais, the Magnolias and Rhododendrons are commonly found. 2. Tropical dry evergreen forests are mostly found in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
    A)Both 1 and 2
    B)1 only
    C)2 only
    D)Neither 1 nor 2
    Answer: 1 only
  • Q. The nuclear power plant in India which will provide power mainly for agriculture is located at
    Answer: Narora
  • Q. The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called
    A)the Thalgat pass
    B)the Palghat gap
    C)the Bhorghat pass
    D)the Bolan pass
    Answer: the Palghat gap
  • Q. Hazaribagh district in Jharkhand has rich deposits of
    Answer: Mica
  • Q. The problem of arsenic in India is due to
    A)Overexploitation of coal in Bihar and Bengal
    B)Overexploitation of surface water inaffected areas
    C)Overexploitation of arsenopyrite in land
    D)Overexploitation of ground water in affected areas
    Answer: Overexploitation of ground water in affected areas
  • Q. Nights are cooler in the deserts than in the plains because ________
    A)Sand absorbs heat more quickly than the earth
    B)Sand radiates heat more quickly than the earth
    C)The sky remains clear most of the time
    D)None of the above reasons
    Answer: Sand radiates heat more quickly than the earth
  • Q. Select the following correct statements regarding Andaman and Nicobar Islands: 1. It enjoys equatorial climate 2. This is the only place in India where a volcano is located 3. This is the only place in India where coral bed is found
    A)2 and 3
    B)1, 2 and 3
    C)1 and 2
    D)1 only
    Answer: 1 and 2
  • Q. Which of the following countries shares the longest border with India?
    Answer: Bangladesh
  • Q. Air travel has become very important for the north eastern part of India mainly because _________
    A)Surface transport routes have to go around Bangladesh
    B)The region is mountainous
    C)Population density is low
    D)Air transport is cheaper
    Answer: Surface transport routes have to go around Bangladesh

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