Q. Kabir was a disciple of

Correct Answer


More Questions on Bhakti Movement

  • Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saints scored a triumph over the Saivas in public debate at the court of Krishna Deva Raya of Vijyanagar?
    A)Chaitanya Maha Prabhu
    B)Guru Nanak
    Answer: Vallabhacharya
  • Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are not correct about Bhagavatism and Krishna Cult (Bhakti Cult)? I. Bhagavatism is a branch of Vaishnavism, where the devotees worship the various avatars of Lord Vishnu. II. The origin of Bhagavatism or Vaishnavism has been sought in the Upanishadic period because in the ‘Chandogya Upanishad’ Krishna is described as a disciple of the sage Ghora.
    A)Only II
    B)Only I
    C)Both I & II
    D)Neither I nor II
    Answer: Neither I nor II
  • Q. Which statement (s) is/are correct related to the Ramananda? I. He worshipped Ram and Sita but preached the oneness of God and the doctrine of Bhakti for everyone II. Dismissed the caste system and untouchability, simplified rules of worship and made rigidity of the Varnashrama tradition milder
    A)II only
    B)I only
    C)Both I and II
    D)Neither I nor II
    Answer: Both I and II
  • Q. Which of the following are the basis tenants of Bhakti Movement?
    A)Ideas were the Bhakti movement—devotion to God with the help of a priest. Bhakti to God was accepted as damnation
    B)Ideas was the Bhakti movement—devotion to God. Bhakti to God was accepted as salvation
    C)Spiritual sessions in meeting places known as zawiyas, khanqahs, or tekke
    D)Described as the interiorization, and intensification of human faith and practice
    Answer: Ideas was the Bhakti movement—devotion to God. Bhakti to God was accepted as salvation
  • Q. Which of the following aspects is not common to both Bhakti movement and Sufi movement?
    A)Worship of idols
    B)Personal love for God
    D)Visit to holy shrines
    Answer: Worship of idols
  • Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the Bhakti Movement? I. Originated as a reaction against caste division, untouchability and ritualism in India. II. Devotion was the pivotal point in the Bhakti cult in uniting human soul with god.
    A)II only
    B)I only
    C)Both I and II
    D)Neither I nor II
    Answer: Both I and II
  • Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the early traditions of Bhakti? I. In the course of the evolution of forms of worship, in many instances, poet-saints emerged as leaders around whom there developed a community of devotees. II. Brahmanas remained important intermediaries between gods and devotees in several forms of bhakti. III. At a different level, historians of religion often classify bhakti traditions into two broad categories: saguna (with attributes) and nirguna (without attributes)
    A)I and II
    B)Only I
    C)I and III
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. Kabir was contemporary of
    A)Sultan Sikandar Lodi
    B)Guru Nanak
    C)Both (A) and (B) above
    Answer: Both (A) and (B) above
  • Q. Which of the following concept the Bhakti movement of Hinduism saw two ways of imaging the nature of the divine (Brahman)?
    B)Nirguna and Saguna
    Answer: Nirguna and Saguna
  • Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about Bhakti Movement? I. The leader of the bhakti movement focusing on the Lord as Rama was Ramananda. II. Sri Ramanuja Acharya was an Indian philosopher and is recognized as the most important saint of Sri Vaishnavism
    A)Only II
    B)Only I
    C)Both I & II
    D)Neither I nor II
    Answer: Both I & II
  • Q. Who among the following had given the doctrine of Advaita or Monism?
    A)Saivaite Nayanmars
    C)Vashnavaite Alwars
    Answer: Sankara
  • Q. Who among the following propagated Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma?
    Answer: Madhava
  • Q. Rudra Sampradaya School was founded by
    Answer: Vallabhacharya
  • Q. Which statement is not the advocacy of Nirguna Saints?
    A)It is the concept of a formless God, which has no attributes or quality
    B)It advocated the worshiped the anthropomorphic manifestations of the divine being, particularly Rama and Krishna
    C)It conceived as Ishvara, the personal and purely spiritual aspect of godhead, beyond all names and forms (nama-rupa), and is to be apprehended only by inner (mystical) experience
    D)None of the above
    Answer: It advocated the worshiped the anthropomorphic manifestations of the divine being, particularly Rama and Krishna
  • Q. Which of the following Bhakti Saints of Krishna is a yogi and lover?
    Answer: Mirabai
  • Q. Find out the correct statement (s) related to the features of Bhakti Movement? I. Its proponents preached the ‘unity of the god-head’ and emphasized that ‘devotion to God’ and faith in him led to salvation. II. It laid stress on equality of all human beings and universal brotherhood.
    A)Only II
    B)Only I
    C)Both I & II
    D)Neither I nor II
    Answer: Both I & II
  • Q. The concept of Sagunabrahmana was the outcome of which concept of Bhakti Movement?
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Nirgunabraman
  • Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about Alvars and Nayanars? I. Some of the earliest bhakti movements (c. sixth century) were led by the Alvars (literally, those who are “immersed” in devotion to Vishnu) and Nayanars (literally, leaders who were devotees of Shiva). II. They travelled from place to place singing hymns in Tamil in praise of their gods. III. During their travels the Alvars and Nayanars identified certain shrines as abodes of their chosen deities
    A)I and II
    B)Only I
    C)I and III
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. Where was saint kabir born?
    Answer: Varanasi
  • Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the women devotees of the period? I. Karaikkal Ammaiyar, a devotee of Shiva, adopted the path of extreme asceticism in order to attain her goal. II. Andal and Karaikkal Ammaiyar renounced their social obligations, but did not join an alternative order or become nuns.
    A)Only II
    B)Only I
    C)Both I & II
    D)none of the above
    Answer: Both I & II

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