Q. Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar which has the distinction of being the largest man-made lake in Asia, forms part of

Correct Answer

Chambal Project

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    B)1, 2 and 3
    C)2 and 3
    D)1 only
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    A)Deforestation in drainage zone
    B)Rise in annual rain
    C)Deposition of silt in dams
    D)None of the above
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    B)Moscow to Europe to Greenland; crossing Atlantic and then North America
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    D)Over the North Pole and over Canada
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    C)Neap tide
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    B)Water vapour in Stratus Clouds
    C)Ice crystals in Cirro-cumulus clouds
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    C)Rotation of Earth
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    B)Temperate Coniferous forests
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