Q. During shunting if load move toward the person signalling hand signal should be given at night by railway staff.

Correct Answer

Green light left and right

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    A)T-369(3B) with P. NO. of line clear
    B)T/C 1425
    C)T/D 602 + T-511
    D)T/D 1425
    Answer: T-369(3B) with P. NO. of line clear
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    A)12 Hours
    B)06 Hours
    C)10 Hours
    D)None of these
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    A)140 kmph
    B)75 kmph
    C)100 kmph
    D)160 kmph
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    A)25 kmph by day and 15 kmph by night
    B)15 kmph
    C)25 kmph
    D)None of these
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    A)Self Minor
    B)Self Propelled
    C)Self System
    D)None of these
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  • Q. When the signal is blank in MACLS system, it is treated as showing ________ aspect.
    C)Most restricted
    D)Noe of these
    Answer: Most restricted
  • Q. After how many time train shall be protected by Guard in rear if 1st stop signal found in On position?
    A)15 minutes
    B)10 minutes
    C)5 minutes
    D)No need
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  • Q. Motorman shall give ________ beat to release the hand brakes.
    Answer: 00-0-00
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    B)Jammu Tawi
    Answer: Baramulla
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    A)1 & 3 Only
    B)1 & 2 Only
    C)2 Only
    D)1, 2 & 3
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    A)Normal running time
    B)Long time
    C)Minimum running time
    D)None of these
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  • Q. In case of ACP Guard shall proceed towards the front from ________ side.
    D)Noe of these
    Answer: Left
  • Q. General rules may be modified by ________.
    A)T/C 912
    B)T/B 912
    C)T/D 912
    D)T/A 912
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  • Q. 400 meters beyond the home signal of a C’ class station is called as ________.
    A)Last stop signal
    B)Block section
    C)Overlapping block section
    D)None of these
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  • Q. Train is to be passed through loop line.
    A)30 kmph
    B)15 kmph
    C)25 kmph
    D)Normal speed
    Answer: 15 kmph
  • Q. What will be the maximum speed if leading cab of electric engine is defective and assistant driver is operating the train from rear cab?
    A)40 kmph
    B)15 kmph
    C)30 kmph
    Answer: 40 kmph
  • Q. In automatic section, temporary single line working on double line section what authority to proceed will be served to loco pilot from opposite direction?
    Answer: TA-912
  • Q. If there is no advanced starter at A’ class station, signal overlap will be ________.
    A)Block sectiond
    B)Next whole block section
    C)Back whole block section
    D)None of these
    Answer: Next whole block section
  • Q. In automatic block area SL. The LSS shall not be taken off unless the line is clear upto
    A)Automatic stop signal+180 Meters
    B)Next automatic stop signal
    C)Automatic stop signal+120 Meters
    D)None of these
    Answer: Next automatic stop signal
  • Q. Speed of train shall not be more than ________ km/h in case of whistle failure in block section.
    Answer: 25

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