Q. Deficit financing implies

Correct Answer

public expenditure in excess of public revenue

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    B)Country's exports promotion value
    C)Developments in national and international markets
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Developments in national and international markets
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    A)Conservation of river water
    B)Protection of birds
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    C)Copper Area Development
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    Answer: E
  • Q. The first national commission on labours was constituted on:
    A)December 24, 1967
    B)December 24, 1966.
    C)November 24, 1966
    D)November 24, 1967
    Answer: December 24, 1966.
  • Q. Non Tax revenues can be increased by improving the working of the
    A)electricity boards
    B)State Road Transport Corporations
    C)commercial irrigation projects
    D)All of the above
    Answer: commercial irrigation projects
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    A)Rs 500
    B)Rs 400
    C)Rs 1000
    D)Rs 300
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    A)three-tier structure
    B)two-tier structure
    C)four-tier structure
    D)five-tier structure
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    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
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    A)Oudh Commercial Bank
    B)Hindustan Commercial Bank
    C)Punjab National Bank
    D)Punjab and Sind Bank
    Answer: Oudh Commercial Bank
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    A)20 to 25 percent
    B)15 to 20 percent
    C)25 to 30 percent
    D)30 to 35 percent
    Answer: 20 to 25 percent
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    B)Development of Handlooms
    C)female foeticide
    D)Banking sector
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    A)Tamil Nadu
    C)Andhra Pradesh
    Answer: Karnataka
  • Q. The central co-operative banks are in direct touch with
    A)state co-operative banks
    B)land development banks
    D)central government
    Answer: state co-operative banks
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    A)Ministry of Youth
    B)Both A and B
    C)Ministry of Tourism
    D)None of these
    Answer: Ministry of Tourism
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    C)South Korea
    Answer: Japan
  • Q. Deficit financing leads to inflation in general, but it can be checked if
    A)only aggregate demand is increased
    B)all the expenditure is denoted national debt payment only
    C)government expenditure leads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
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    Answer: 1992

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