Q. Choose the correct option with the correct sequence of the layers of atmosphere

Correct Answer

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere, Exosphere

More Questions on Atmosphere

  • Q. The absence of which among the following causes the temperature of the atmosphere to decrease with ascent along with decreasing density of air? I. Vegetation II. Water III. Carbon dioxide IV. Oxygen V. Nitrogen
    A)II and III
    B)I and II
    C)III and IV
    D)II and V
    Answer: II and III
  • Q. Atmospheric humidity is measured by ________
    Answer: Psychrometer
  • Q. Consider the following statements: 1. The annual range of temperature is greater in the Pacific Ocean than that in the Atlantic Ocean. 2. The annual range of temperature is greater in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
    A)Both 1and 2
    B)1 only
    C)2 only
    D)Neither 1 nor 2
    Answer: 2 only
  • Q. Consider the following statements 1. Tropical cyclones have circular isobars. 2. Tropical cyclones originate entirely within the tropical air mass. 3. The intensity and magnitude of hurricanes generally exceed those of typhoons. 4. Tropical cyclones are more destructive than the western disturbances. Select the correct answer by using the following codes
    A)2 and 3
    B)1, 2 and 4
    C)1 only
    D)3 and 4
    Answer: 1, 2 and 4
  • Q. Temperature generally decreases towards the poles because ________
    A)Cold surfaces do not absorb solar energy as readily as warm surfaces
    B)Air movement is generally towards the. equator
    C)Cold polar air masses prevent surface heating of the land
    D)Progressively lesser solar energy per unit area falls on the earth's surface as we move to polar regions
    Answer: Progressively lesser solar energy per unit area falls on the earth's surface as we move to polar regions
  • Q. The term used for the zone at low pressure and light and variable winds in the oceanic equatorial regions is ________
    D)Inter-tropical convergence
    Answer: Depression
  • Q. Which of the following is a cold wind?
    Answer: Buran
  • Q. In the northern hemisphere, currents are deflected to their right due to ________
    A)Cyclonic storms
    B)Centrifugal force
    C)Coriolis force
    D)None of these
    Answer: Coriolis force
  • Q. The cold and dense air blowing down the mountain slope during the night is known as ________
    A)Katabatic wind
    B)Anabatic wind
    Answer: Katabatic wind
  • Q. Anticyclones are caused by ________
    A)Winds that blow spirally outwards from the centre
    B)Violent winds
    C)Heavy rainfall
    D)Winds that blow spirally inwards
    Answer: Winds that blow spirally outwards from the centre
  • Q. Which one of the following layers of the atmosphere is responsible for the deflection of radio waves?
    Answer: Ionosphere
  • Q. Consider the following statements: 1. The monsoon climate is found in Northern Australia. 2. The China type climate is found in Argentina. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
    A)Both 1 and 2
    B)1 only
    C)2 only
    D)Neither 1 nor 2
    Answer: Both 1 and 2
  • Q. When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, it is called as ________
    B)Geostropic wind
    C)Polar wind
    D)Trade winds
    Answer: Geostropic wind
  • Q. Pampero is ________
    A)A moisture laden wind which brings rainfall to the west coast of Panama
    B)A cold wind which prevails in Argentina and Uruguay
    C)A low pressure area in Equator 63° S
    D)A high pressure area which develops first and then leads to the formation of an anticyclone
    Answer: A cold wind which prevails in Argentina and Uruguay
  • Q. Arrange the following gases of the atmosphere in increasing order by volume: I. Nitrogen II. Oxygen III. Carbon dioxide IV. Argon
    A)III, IV, II, I
    B)I, II, III, IV
    C)I, II, IV, III
    D)IV, III, II, I
    Answer: III, IV, II, I
  • Q. Why the Earth is having its own atmosphere?
    D)Rotation of the Earth
    Answer: Gravity
  • Q. Water vapour beyond the dew point results in ________
    D)Formation of ice
    Answer: Condensation
  • Q. Where do all meteorological incidents occur?
    Answer: Troposphere
  • Q. A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating before reaching the earth’s surface is
    Answer: Meteor
  • Q. A devastating Cloud Burst swept over Leh on August 2010. Which one of the following statements with regard to Cloud Burst is not correct?
    A)Cloud Burst occurs only in hilly areas
    B)Cloud Burst is a localized weather phenomenon representing highly concentrated rainfall over a small area in a short duration of time
    C)Cloud Burst occurs due to upward movement of moisture laden air with sufficient rapidity to form cumulonimbus clouds
    D)There is no satisfactory technique till now for predicting Cloud Burst
    Answer: Cloud Burst occurs only in hilly areas

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