More Questions on Indian Politics
- Q. For whom, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India works as a friend, philosopher and guide?
A)Estimates Committee
B)Public Accounts Committee
C)Finance Ministry
D)Committee on Public Undertakings
Answer: Public Accounts Committee
- Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Andhra Pradesh is –
Answer: 25
- Q. India is a republic, that means:
A)The head of state in India is directly elected for a fixed period.
B)The head of state in India is indirectly elected for life time.
C)The head of state in India is indirectly elected for a fixed period.
D)The head of state in India is directly elected for life time.
Answer: The head of state in India is indirectly elected for a fixed period.
- Q. Which of the following constitutional Amendment Act, deals with the Elementary Education as a Fundamental Right?
A)85th Amendment Act
B)84th Amendment Act
C)86th Amendment Act
D)87th Amendment Act
Answer: 86th Amendment Act
- Q. Which of the following is not correct-
A)Person should have completed age of 25 years to elect as a member of Lok Sabha
B)Person should have completed age of 30 years to elect as a member of Rajya Sabha
C)Person should have completed age of 21 years to elect as member of Legislative Council
D)Person eligible to vote in panchayat election should have completed age of 18 years
Answer: Person should have completed age of 21 years to elect as member of Legislative Council
- Q. To be a voter in India, what is the minimum qualifying age?
A)22 Years
B)24 Years
C)20 Years
D)18 Years
Answer: 18 Years
- Q. Parliament conducts sessions each year-
Answer: 3
- Q. In which year did the first amendment of Indian Constitution take place?
Answer: 1951
- Q. What is a voluntary uion of sovereign and independent states called?
A)Unitary state
D)None of these
Answer: Confederation
- Q. In which year was the First Five Year Plan launched in India?
Answer: 1951
- Q. Judge of the Superme Court and High Court can be removed by-
B)The President
C)Union Council of Minister
D)Chief Justice of the Supreme court
Answer: The President
- Q. What is the meaning of ‘Right to Vote’-
A)Right to vote to elect a representative in election
B)To pass such laws which can punish people
C)Right to vote rich
D)Right to vote poor only
Answer: Right to vote to elect a representative in election
- Q. Which of the following is not related to Parliament-
Answer: Suspension
- Q. Who among the following was the Chairman of Fundamental Rights sub-Committee of the Constitutent Assembly?
A)Rajendra Prasad
B)J. B. Kripalani
C)B. R. Arnbedkar
D)Gopinath Bardoloi
Answer: J. B. Kripalani
- Q. Reservation for the Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes in the services has been provided in the Indian Constitution under-
Answer: Article-335
- Q. How many members were in the interim Parliament of India-
Answer: 296
- Q. Objective resolution was moved in constituent assembly by-
A)Kiran Desai
B)Jawaharlal Nehru
C)K. Natwar Singh
D)K. M.Munshi
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
- Q. Who among the following presides over the Lok Sabha in the absence of Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
A)Amember nominated by the members of the Parliament present in the House
B)Amember appointed by the President
C)A person from the panel formed by: the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D)A senior most member of the House
Answer: A person from the panel formed by: the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- Q. The provisions of financial emergency have been laid down in:
A)Article 360
B)Article 351
C)Article 377
D)Article 370
Answer: Article 360
- Q. The Linguistic Provinces commission appointed under the chairmanship of S.K. Dhar in 1948 recommended the reorganization of states on the basis of
A)Religious convenience rather than linguistic factor.
B)Demographic convenience rather than linguistic factor.
C)Administrative convenience rather than linguistic factor.
D)None of these
Answer: Administrative convenience rather than linguistic factor.
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