Q. Which of the following appointment is not in the Jurisdiction of President?

Correct Answer

Speaker of Lok Sabha

More Questions on Indian Politics

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    A)Natural right
    B)Fundamental right
    C)Legal right
    D)Moral right
    Answer: Legal right
  • Q. The Judges of High Court are administered oath of office by-
    A)The President of India
    B)The Chief Justice of High Court
    C)The Chief Justice of India
    D)Governor of the State
    Answer: Governor of the State
  • Q. If the President declares emergency then this proclamation must be approved by the Parliament within-
    A)6 Months
    B)1 year
    C)3 Months
    D)1 Months
    Answer: 1 Months
  • Q. Which article authorizes the Parliament to form a new state by separation of territory from any state?
    A)Articles 3
    B)Articles 13
    C)Articles 23
    D)Articles 33
    Answer: Articles 3
  • Q. The preamble declares India as a sovereign state which implies
    A)India is free to conduct her external affairs
    B)India is free to conduct her internal affairs
    C)India is free to conduct her internal as well as external affairs
    D)None of the above
    Answer: India is free to conduct her internal as well as external affairs
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    Answer: Plato
  • Q. In which of the following Articles there is provision of “Right to Equality”?
    Answer: Article-14
  • Q. If Parliament has to legislate with respect to a matter in the state list, the proposal for such is to be approved by-
    A)Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha both
    B)Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Legislature of related State
    C)Rajya Sabha
    D)Lok Sabha
    Answer: Rajya Sabha
  • Q. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian CoilStitution includes abolition of untouchability?
    A)Right to Freedom of Religion
    B)Right to Liberty and Personal Freedom
    C)Right to Equality
    D)Cultural and Educational Rights
    Answer: Right to Equality
  • Q. Which of the following subject is not in Union list-
    C)Labor Union
    D)Foreign Debt
    Answer: Labor Union
  • Q. Constitution of India considers free and compulsory education to children up to-
    A)14 years
    B)10 years
    C)18 years
    D)21 years
    Answer: 14 years
  • Q. In which schedule to the constitution of India is the division of powers between the union and the states in terms of the union list and the state list laid down?
    A)Sixth schedule
    B)Fifth schedule
    C)Seventh schedule
    D)Fourth schedule
    Answer: Seventh schedule
  • Q. Which of the following committee had recommended a report for forming the institution of Lokpal and Lokayukta-
    A)Gorwala Report
    B)First Administrative Reform Commission
    C)Ashok Mehta Committee
    D)The Appleby Report
    Answer: First Administrative Reform Commission
  • Q. Indian constitution not only imagines the democratic form of government but also imagines a democratic society, because its ideology consists of- 1. Justice, 2. Liberty, 3. Equality, 4. Fraternity
    A)2 and 3
    B)1 and 2
    C)1 and 3
    D)1,2,3 and 4
    Answer: 1,2,3 and 4
  • Q. When was National Commission for Minorities established-
    Answer: 1992
  • Q. The president addresses both the Houses of Parliament assembled together
    A)every session
    B)during emergency session summoned for the purpose
    C)first session after each general election and the first session of each year
    D)any session
    Answer: first session after each general election and the first session of each year
  • Q. Which of the following statement is true about “Community Government”? I. This government is elected by people belonging to one language community. II. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues.
    A)Only I
    B)Both I and II
    C)Only II
    D)Neither I nor II
    Answer: Both I and II
  • Q. The States reorganization in 1956 created-
    A)17 States and 9 Union Territories
    B)17 States and 6 Union Territories
    C)14 States and 6 Union Territories
    D)15 States and 9 Union Territories
    Answer: 14 States and 6 Union Territories
  • Q. The president can expend out of the Contingency Fund of India
    A)without the approval of the Parliament
    B)only with the approval of the Parliament
    C)only in the case of the national calamities
    D)None of the above
    Answer: without the approval of the Parliament
  • Q. Who on recommendations made by both houses of parliament can oust the judges of high court before completion of their tenure on the basis of misconduct or incapability?
    A)Chief Justice of High Court
    B)Chief Justice of India
    C)President on recommendations made by both houses of Parliament
    D)Special majority in both houses of Parliament
    Answer: President on recommendations made by both houses of Parliament

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