Q. The suppression of Immoral Traffic in women and Girls Act was passed in :

Correct Answer

The year 1956

More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. Who among the following is not a part of political executive?
    A)Defence Minister
    B)Finance Minister
    C)Foreign Minister
    D)Secretary of Ministry of Defence
    Answer: Secretary of Ministry of Defence
  • Q. According to which article, state council can be formed or dissolved-
    A)Article 168
    B)Article 167
    C)Article 170
    D)Article 169
    Answer: Article 169
  • Q. The following article of tbe Indian Constitution abolished the practice of untouchability-
    Answer: Article-17
  • Q. Point out which from the following is not a right enumerated in the Constitution of India but has been articulated by the Supreme Court to be a Fundamental Right?
    A)Equality before law
    B)Right to privacy
    C)Abolition of untouchability
    D)Right to form associations or unions
    Answer: Right to privacy
  • Q. Under which of the following writs, a person is restricted to perform any duties for which he does not have the authority?
    A)Quo warranto
    D)Habeas corpus
    Answer: Quo warranto
  • Q. The Inter State Council was established in 1990 in pursuance of the recommendation made by :
    A)Sarkaria Commission (1983-87).
    B)Mukherjee Commission (1999)
    C)Mandal Commission (1980).
    D)Khosla Commission (1990)
    Answer: Sarkaria Commission (1983-87).
  • Q. Who can be invited to the Parliament for any suggestion or advice?
    A)Chief Justice of India
    B)Attorney General of India
    C)Chief Election Commissioner of India
    D)Comptroller and Auditor General of India
    Answer: Attorney General of India
  • Q. The write which literally means ‘by what authority or warrant’ and is issued by the court to enquire the legality of a claim of a person to public office is called
    A)Quo Warranto
    B)Ad hoc
    D)Sub judice
    Answer: Quo Warranto
  • Q. Which year did President declare National emergency on internal dispute-
    Answer: 1975
  • Q. Which article specifies Imposition of President’s Rule in States?
    A)Article 343
    B)Article 356
    C)Article 51(A)
    D)Article 80
    Answer: Article 356
  • Q. Which amendment act raised the age of retirement for judges of High Court to 62 from 60?
    Answer: 15th
  • Q. Bicameral system is a feature of which of the following form of government-
    A)President system
    B)Parliamentary system
    C)Federal system
    D)Unitary system
    Answer: Federal system
  • Q. Article-231 of the Indian Constitution “Establishment of a common High Court for two or more States” deals with?
    A)The Directive Principles of State Policy
    B)The State Government
    C)The Union Government
    D)The fundamental rghts of the Indian Citizen
    Answer: The State Government
  • Q. The State Election Commission conducts, controls and supervises Municipal elections under-
    Answer: Article-243(ZA)
  • Q. Who is the constitutional head of the Indian government?
    A)Prime Minister
    C)Chief justice of India
    D)Attorney general
    Answer: President
  • Q. What is the age limit to contest for the post of the president of India?
    A)30 years
    B)25 years
    C)35 years
    D)18 years
    Answer: 35 years
  • Q. The right to equal opportunity for all citizens in matter of public employment has been enshrined in :
    A)Article 17
    B)Article 16
    C)Article 18
    D)Article 19
    Answer: Article 16
  • Q. The term “Gram Sabha” denotes-
    A)Population of a Village
    B)Senior citizens of a Village
    C)Electoral college for Panchayat
    D)Elected members of Panchayat
    Answer: Electoral college for Panchayat
  • Q. What is the full form of the Indian Political Party “CPIM”?
    A)Common Party of India (Movement)
    B)Common Party of India (Marxist)
    C)Communist Party of India (Movement)
    D)Communist Party of India (Marxist)
    Answer: Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  • Q. The Indian Constitution declares India as all of the following, except-
    A)Democratic republic
    Answer: Communist

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