Q. For disconnection of points S&T official must issue form ________
T/B 351
T/A 351
None of these
Correct Answer
More Questions on Indian Railway
Q. If the IBS signal is ON and Telephone is defective, Loco Pilot shall wait for 5 minutes and proceed at a speed of ________
A)15/6 B)15/8 C)15/4 D)15/2
Answer: 15/8
Q. Consider the following statements about Railway Convention Committee: 1)The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker from amongst the members of the Committee 2) The Committee reviews the rate of dividend which is payable by the Railway Undertaking to the General Revenues Which of the above statements is/are correct?
A)Both 1 & 2 B)1 Only C)2 Only D)Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: Both 1 & 2
Q. How much block overlap is required at the station equipped with MACLS?
Q. Which of the following has been adjudged as the cleanest railway station in category A1, as per recently released report by the Ministry of Railways?
Q. Standard moving dimensions Load infringing (ISMD) shall be moved by
A)Work trains B)Through train C)Shunting trains D)None of these
Answer: Through train
Q. During TSL working in thick and foggy weather, speed of the first train shall not exceed ________ km/h.
A)15 km B)8 km C)10 km D)25 km
Answer: 25 km
Q. Which is the least signalto be installed on C class stations in multiple aspect signalling?
A)Warner, Home B)Outer, Home C)Distant, Home D)Distant, Home, Starter
Answer: Distant, Home
Q. How many members did the railway board had?
A)4 B)3 C)5 D)8
Answer: 4
Q. Sounding of ________ hooters means accident of goods train at home station.
A)6 B)2 C)4 D)8
Answer: 2
Q. Mountain Railways of India refer to the railway lines built in the mountains of India in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, during the British Raj, even being run today by the Indian Railways. How many railway lines refer to the Mountain Railways of India ?
A)5 B)3 C)4 D)6
Answer: 3
Q. Indian Railways has recently signed pact with which company for use of Natural Gas in railway workshops?
Answer: GAIL India
Q. How many systems of working in Indian Railways for train operation?
A)8 B)6 C)7 D)9
Answer: 6
Q. Height gauge is for the safety of ________.
A)Motor Trolley B)Trolley C)Ohe D)None of these
Answer: Ohe
Q. Danger zone in 1500 DC traction is ________ meters from OHE.
A)3 B)1 C)2 D)4
Answer: 1
Q. Night duty should not normally be performed by the running staff for more than ________ nights at a stretch.
A)6 B)10 C)12 D)None of these
Answer: 6
Q. A station where the rail lines end, is called
A)Block station B)Junction station C)Way - side station D)Terminal station
Answer: Terminal station
Q. Validity of the competency certificate of the gateman is for ________ years.
A)9 B)10 C)3 D)4
Answer: 3
Q. BSLB determines the limits of block section and ________ .
A)Station Limit B)Block Section C)Station Section D)None of these
Answer: Station Section
Q. For ‘B’ Class ISMD load, permission must be granted by