Q. The main rubber producing state in the country is:

Correct Answer


More Questions on Indian Economy

  • Q. In the second nationalization of commercial banks, ___ banks were nationalized.
    Answer: 6
  • Q. In India, which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy?
    A)Ministry of Finance
    B)Finance Commission
    C)Planning Commission
    D)The Reserve Bank of India
    Answer: Ministry of Finance
  • Q. Finance Commission is constituted after every:
    A)5 years
    B)6 years
    C)3 years
    D)4 years
    Answer: 5 years
  • Q. Which of the following is not viewed as a national debt?
    A)Life Insurance Policies
    B)Provident Fund
    C)National Saving Certificate
    D)Long-term Government Bonds
    Answer: National Saving Certificate
  • Q. The budget deficit means
    A)difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure
    B)the excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue receipts
    C)difference between all receipts and all the expenditure
    D)fiscal deficit less interest payments
    Answer: difference between all receipts and all the expenditure
  • Q. The current price index (base 1960) is nearly 330. This means that
    A)the prices of certain selected items have gone up to 3-3 times
    B)all items cost 3-3 times more than what they did in 1960
    C)weighted means of prices of certain item has increased 3-3 times
    D)gold price has gone up 3-3 times
    Answer: weighted means of prices of certain item has increased 3-3 times
  • Q. The Indian state which was the first to release state level Human Development Report in 1995 was:
    B)Madhya Pradesh
    D)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Madhya Pradesh
  • Q. National expenditure includes
    A)investment expenditure
    B)government expenditure
    C)consumption expenditure
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. On which one of the following is the benefits received principle of taxation to achieve optimality bases?
    A)Total benefit received
    B)Average benefit received
    C)Marginal benefit received
    D)Ability to pay for the benefit
    Answer: Ability to pay for the benefit
  • Q. States earn maximum revenue through
    A)custom revenue
    B)commercial taxes
    C)land revenue
    D)excise duties on intoxicants
    Answer: commercial taxes
  • Q. For International money transfer which Indian public sector bank has signed MoU with MoneyGram company of America?
    A)Bank of Baroda
    B)Punjab National Bank
    C)State Bank of India
    D)Central Bank of India
    Answer: Punjab National Bank
  • Q. The currency convertibility concept in its original form originated in
    A)Bretton Woods Agreement
    B)Wells Agreement
    C)Taylors Agreement
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Bretton Woods Agreement
  • Q. Rice, Millet (Jawar-Bajra ), Maize and cotton is the group which belongs to:
    A)Kharif crop
    B)Both A and B
    C)Rabi crop
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Kharif crop
  • Q. Resurgent India bonds were issued in US dollar, Pound Sterling and
    A)Deutsche Mark
    B)Japanese Yen
    D)French Franc
    Answer: Deutsche Mark
  • Q. Since 1983, the RBI’s responsibility with respect to regional rural banks was transferred to
    Answer: NABARD
  • Q. In pursuance with the recommendations of Narsimham Committee, the RBI has framed new guidelines
    A)to reduce the freedom given to banks to rationalize their existing branch network
    B)to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
    C)to setup more foreign exchange banks
    D)to lend more easily for industrial development
    Answer: to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
  • Q. In the state of India, the State Financial Corporation have given assistance mainly to develop
    A)cottage industry
    B)large-scale industries
    C)agricultural farms
    D)medium and small-scale industries
    Answer: medium and small-scale industries
  • Q. Devaluation of a currency means
    A)reduction in external value/exchange value of currency by the government
    B)reduction in currency value due to wear and tear
    C)fall in exchange value of a country by market forces
    D)all of the above
    Answer: reduction in external value/exchange value of currency by the government
  • Q. In Global Hunger Index (GHI) India has been ranked at:
    A)102nd place among 117 developing countries
    B)96th place among 119 developing countries
    C)105th place among 117 developing countries
    D)109th place among 117 developing countries
    Answer: 102nd place among 117 developing countries
  • Q. One rupee currency note in India bears the signature of-
    A)Finance minister of India
    B)The president of India
    C)Governor (RBI)
    D)Finance secretary of Government of India
    Answer: Finance secretary of Government of India

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