Q. What is the objective of ‘Sangam Yojna 1996’?

Correct Answer

To increase the welfare of the disabled

More Questions on Indian Economy

  • Q. States earn maximum revenue through
    A)custom revenue
    B)land revenue
    C)commercial taxes
    D)excise duties on intoxicants
    Answer: commercial taxes
  • Q. Revenue of the state governments are raised from the following sources, except
    A)expenditure tax
    B)entertainment tax
    C)agricultural income tax
    D)land revenue
    Answer: agricultural income tax
  • Q. National Income estimates in India is prepared by:
    A)Reserve Bank Of India
    B)Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
    C)Planning Commission
    D)Indian Statistical Institute
    Answer: Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
  • Q. Which of the following is not a part of machinery that settles industrial disputes?
    A)Works Committee
    B)Conciliation officers
    C)Wage Court
    D)Board of Conciliation
    Answer: Wage Court
  • Q. In pursuance with the recommendations of Narsimham Committee, the RBI has framed new guidelines
    A)to reduce the freedom given to banks to rationalize their existing branch network
    B)to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
    C)to setup more foreign exchange banks
    D)to lend more easily for industrial development
    Answer: to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
  • Q. Aam Admi Bima Yojana was launched on:
    A)March 5, 2009
    B)March 10, 2008
    C)November 14, 2011
    D)October 2, 2007
    Answer: October 2, 2007
  • Q. National Electricity Policy envisages elimination of power shortage by 2012 through addition of:
    A)75000 Megawatt
    B)100000 Megawatt.
    C)50000 Megawatt
    D)125000 Megawatt
    Answer: 100000 Megawatt.
  • Q. Which of the following is not a part of machinery that settles industrial disputes?
    A)Works Committee
    B)Wage Court
    C)Conciliation officers
    D)Board of Conciliation
    Answer: Wage Court
  • Q. National Income estimates in India is prepared by:
    A)Reserve Bank Of India
    B)Planning Commission
    C)Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
    D)Indian Statistical Institute
    Answer: Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
  • Q. Resurgent India bonds were issued in US dollar, Pound Sterling and
    A)Deutsche Mark
    B)Japanese Yen
    D)French Franc
    Answer: Deutsche Mark
  • Q. Deficit financing means that the government borrows money from the
    A)local bodies
    B)big businessmen
    Answer: RBI
  • Q. Subsidies mean
    A)payment made by business enterprises to factors of production
    B)payment made by companies to shareholders
    C)payment by government for purchase of goods and services
    D)payment made by the government to business enterprises, without buying any goods and services
    Answer: payment made by the government to business enterprises, without buying any goods and services
  • Q. On July 12, 1982, the ARDC was merged into
    C)EXIM Bank
    D)None of the above
    Answer: NABARD
  • Q. At present, the number of nationalized banks are:
    Answer: 12
  • Q. In April 1980 how many banks were nationalized?
    A)eight banks
    B)five banks
    C)six banks
    D)nine banks
    Answer: six banks
  • Q. National expenditure includes
    A)investment expenditure
    B)consumption expenditure
    C)government expenditure
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. The budget deficit means
    A)difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure
    B)the excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue receipts
    C)difference between all receipts and all the expenditure
    D)fiscal deficit less interest payments
    Answer: difference between all receipts and all the expenditure
  • Q. Which of the following is the most appropriate cause of export surplus?
    A)Country's stringent import policy
    B)Country's exports promotion value
    C)Developments in national and international markets
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Developments in national and international markets
  • Q. The annual yield from which of the following Union Government taxes is the highest?
    A)Corporation tax and income tax
    B)Custom duties
    C)Inheritance tax, wealth tax, interest tax and gift tax
    D)Excise duties
    Answer: Excise duties
  • Q. Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfers are
    B)tax sharing
    D)All the above
    Answer: All the above

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