More Questions on Indian Economy
- Q. In India, the state which has the largest forest cover is:
A)Arunachal Pradesh
B)Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
- Q. Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfers are
B)tax sharing
D)All the above
Answer: All the above
- Q. Deficit financing implies
A)replacing new currency with worn out currency
B)printing new currency notes
C)public expenditure in excess of public revenue
D)public revenue in excess of public expenditure
Answer: public expenditure in excess of public revenue
- Q. In April 1980 how many banks were nationalized?
A)eight banks
B)six banks
C)five banks
D)nine banks
Answer: six banks
- Q. The Ministry and programme Implementation – as an independent Ministry came into existence on :
A)January 15, 1998
B)October 15, 1999
C)September 15, 1999
D)June 15, 1999
Answer: October 15, 1999
- Q. Gross domestic capital formation is defined as
A)expenditure incurred on physical assets only
B)production exceeding demand
C)flow of expenditure devoted to increased or maintaining of the capital stock
D)net addition to stock after depreciation
Answer: net addition to stock after depreciation
- Q. Planning commission constituted a high level committee for financial sector reforms in August 2007 under the Chairmanship of:
A)Raghuram G. Rajan
B)K.V. Kamath
C)Bimal Jalan
D)None of these
Answer: Raghuram G. Rajan
- Q. National Income estimates in India is prepared by:
A)Reserve Bank Of India
B)Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
C)Planning Commission
D)Indian Statistical Institute
Answer: Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
- Q. Who is the author of the book Man and Economics?
A)Robert Mundel
B)Myron Scholes
C)Rudi Dornbusch
D)George Akerlof
Answer: Robert Mundel
- Q. Open market operation is a part of:
A)Debit Policy
B)Credit Policy
C)Deposit Policy
D)None of these
Answer: Credit Policy
- Q. Ten rupee notes contain the signature of:
A)Chairman, SBI
B)Finance Secretary, GOI
C)Governor, RBI
D)Finance Minister , GOI
Answer: Governor, RBI
- Q. The central co-operative banks are in direct touch with
A)state co-operative banks
B)land development banks
D)central government
Answer: state co-operative banks
- Q. Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established in:
Answer: 1964
- Q. The association of the rupee with pound sterling as the intervention currency was broken in
Answer: 1992
- Q. Meera Seth committee was associated with:
A)sex discrimination at work place
B)female foeticide
C)the development of handloom industry.
D)banking sector
Answer: the development of handloom industry.
- Q. Short-term finance is usually for a period ranging up to
A)10 months
B)12 months
C)5 months
D)15 months
Answer: 12 months
- Q. Reserve Bank of India will soon release plastic notes in circulation will be of :
A)Rs 20 notes
B)Rs 50 notes
C)Rs 100 notes
D)Rs 10 notes
Answer: Rs 10 notes
- Q. Since independence, both development and non-development expenditures have increased; the increase in the former being a little more than in the other. Non-development expenditure involves I=interest payments II=subsidies III=defence IV=irrigation
Answer: I, II, III
- Q. Which state of India ranks first in milk production as per the data of the year 2009-10?
C)Uttar Pradesh
D)West Bengal
Answer: Uttar Pradesh
- Q. In pursuance with the recommendations of Narsimham Committee, the RBI has framed new guidelines
A)to reduce the freedom given to banks to rationalize their existing branch network
B)to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
C)to setup more foreign exchange banks
D)to lend more easily for industrial development
Answer: to govern entry of new private sector banks to make the banking sector more competitive
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