More Questions on Geography

  • Q. Cotton in India grows best on:
    A)Late-rite Soil
    B)Black Soil
    C)Red Soil
    D)Sandy Soil
    Answer: Black Soil
  • Q. The Growth rate of population means
    A)No. of births per thousand persons
    B)Difference between the growth of male and female
    C)Difference between the population of urban and rural areas
    D)Difference between birth rate and death rate
    Answer: Difference between birth rate and death rate
  • Q. Dr. Waldimir Koppen – the great climatologist of Austria suggested in his new scheme of climatic classification:
    A)Five major types of climate.
    B)Two major types of climate.
    C)Four major types of climate.
    D)Three major types of climate.
    Answer: Five major types of climate.
  • Q. Pits, formed by the deflating action of wind are called
    D)Sand dune
    Answer: Blowouts
  • Q. How many kilometers are represented by 1° of latitude?
    A)111 km
    B)321 km
    C)211 km
    D)91 km
    Answer: 111 km
  • Q. Which has the maximum rate of deforestation?
    A)Temperate Zone
    B)Tropical Zone
    C)Desert Zone
    D)Northern Forest
    Answer: Tropical Zone
  • Q. Wheels and axles for railways are produced
    A)At Varanasi
    B)At Bengaluru
    C)At Chennai
    D)Nowhere in India
    Answer: At Bengaluru
  • Q. Which planet is known as sister of earth?
    Answer: Venus
  • Q. Kanchipuram is in which of the following states?
    A)Tamil Nadu
    C)Andhra Pradesh
    Answer: Tamil Nadu
  • Q. The Bedouins are inhabitants of ________.
    A)The Arabian Desert
    C)Northern Canada
    D)Central Asia
    Answer: The Arabian Desert
  • Q. The odd product out of the following is
    A)Caster seed
    Answer: Caster seed
  • Q. The heavier silicates named ‘Sima’ or silica + magnesium are most abundant in the ________
    D)Ocean floors
    Answer: Ocean floors
  • Q. The western coast of India receive very high rainfall in summer mainly due to
    A)Western Ghats
    B)Tropical location
    C)Nearness to sea
    Answer: Western Ghats
  • Q. As we move from the Pole to the Equator along the longitude, what is true of the variety of crops and animals?
    A)Variety of crops increases but that of animals decreases
    B)Both increase
    C)Both decrease
    D)Variety of animals increases but that of crops decreases
    Answer: Both increase
  • Q. With reference to convectional type of rainfall, consider the following statements 1. It is a warm weather phenomenon. 2. This rainfall is associated with cumulo-nimbus clouds. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
    A)Both 1 and 2
    B)1 only
    C)2 only
    D)Neither 1 nor 2
    Answer: Both 1 and 2
  • Q. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
    A)Gulf Stream - Pacific Ocean
    B)Canary current - Mediterranean Sea
    C)Falkland current - Arabian Sea
    D)Labrador Current - North Atlantic Ocean
    Answer: Labrador Current - North Atlantic Ocean
  • Q. Consider the following statements about anticyclones: 1. The winds are divergent, and spiral out from the centre of high pressure 2. The air moves clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlockwise in Southern Hemisphere 3. It is accompanied by heavy rainfall 4. A sudden rise in barometric reading heralds the approach of anticyclone Which of these statements are correct?
    A)2 and 3
    B)1 and 4
    C)3 and 4
    D)2 and 4
    Answer: 2 and 4
  • Q. “They are people of yellow complexion, oblique eyes, high chick bones, spare hair and medium height,” The reference here is to
    B)Nordic Aryans
    Answer: Mongoloids
  • Q. Silk textiles are mainly produced in ________
    A)China and India
    B)Japan and U.S.A.
    C)Japan and China
    D)U.S.A. and U.K.
    Answer: China and India
  • Q. The Mediterranean region is known for heavy rain
    A)In winter
    B)In spring season
    C)In autumn
    D)In summer
    Answer: In winter

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