Q. Consider the following seaports ________ 1. Chennai 2. Machilipattinam 3. Nagapattinam 4. Tuticorin The correct sequence of these ports as one moves from north to south is ________

Correct Answer

2, 1, 3, 4

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  • Q. The imaginary line joining the land projecting towards the sea which is the landward limit of internal seawater is called:
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    B)Base Line
    C)Sea Line
    D)None of Above
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    A)I and III
    B)I and II
    C)II and III
    D)I, II and III
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  • Q. Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because
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    B)It is closest to the Sun
    C)There are charged particles in it
    D)Heat is generated in it
    Answer: It is heated by the Earth's surface
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    Answer: Steppe
  • Q. Which one of the following is a north flowing river?
    Answer: Chambal
  • Q. Which one of the following is a landlocked country?
    Answer: Hungary
  • Q. At which particular place on earth are day and nights of equal length always?
    B)Prime Meridian
    Answer: Equator
  • Q. Which state in India is known as “Rice Bowl”?
    A)Andhra Pradesh
    D)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Andhra Pradesh
  • Q. The layer of ocean water between the depth zone of 300 m- 1000 m characterized by sharp change of temperature in the vertical section of sea water is called:
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  • Q. The Solar eclipse achieves totality only in limited geographical regions because ________
    A)Sun rays can reach most of the peripheral regions of the shadow of the moon due to atmospheric refraction
    B)The trajectories of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth are not perfect circles
    C)The size of the shadow of the Moon on the Earth is small compared to the cross-section of the Earth
    D)The Earth is not a smooth flat surface, but has elevations and depressions
    Answer: The size of the shadow of the Moon on the Earth is small compared to the cross-section of the Earth
  • Q. The intensity of earthquakes is measured on ________
    A)Secant scale
    B)Beaufort scale
    C)Richter scale
    D)Mercalli scale
    Answer: Richter scale
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    Answer: Dachigam
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    A)Karnataka to Tamil Nadu
    B)Andhra Pradesh to Tamil Nadu
    C)Karnataka to Maharashtra
    D)Kerala to Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Karnataka to Tamil Nadu
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    A)Bhakra Nangal
    C)Damodar Valley Corporation
    Answer: Nagarjunasagar
  • Q. Which one of the following States in India has the broadest continental shelf?
    B)Andhra Pradesh
    D)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Tamil Nadu
  • Q. Which of the following is not a plant product?
    C)Aloe vera
    D)All are plant products
    Answer: All are plant products
  • Q. Rainfall in the doldrums is of the nature of ________
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    B)Orographic precipitation
    C)Natural precipitation
    D)Convectional precipitation
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    A)Dallol, Ethiopia
    B)Tehran, Iran
    C)Jaisalmer, India
    D)Azizia, Libya
    Answer: Azizia, Libya
  • Q. Name the estuary on the border of India and Pakistan?
    A)Karwar Creek
    B)Daman Creek
    C)Sir Creek
    D)Mandovi Creek
    Answer: Sir Creek
  • Q. Which of the following features are product of volcanicity? I. Atoll II. Caldera III. Batholith IV. Geosyncline
    A)II and III
    B)I, II and III
    C)I and IV
    D)I, III and IV
    Answer: II and III

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