Q. “Yellow Revolution” in India is related to

Correct Answer

Oilseed production

More Questions on Agriculture And Soil in India

  • Q. The term “Green Revolution” is used to show higher production of
    A)Per hectare agricultural output
    C)Tree plantation
    D)Gardening in urban centres
    Answer: Per hectare agricultural output
  • Q. Which of the following is not a tropical type of soil?
    A)Black soil
    B)Red soil
    C)Desert soil
    D)Brown soil
    Answer: Brown soil
  • Q. “Jhoom” is
    A)A Tribe of North-East India
    B)A Folk Dance
    C)A River
    D)A type of Cultivation
    Answer: A type of Cultivation
  • Q. In India, during the last decade, the total cultivated land for which one of the following crops has remained more or less stagnant?
    Answer: Pulses
  • Q. How can soil erosion be controlled on hill slopes?
    A)Strip cropping
    C)Step farming
    D)Linear contour ploughing
    Answer: Linear contour ploughing
  • Q. The following are the major oilseeds produced in India: 1. Sesamum 2. Mustard 3. Groundnut 4. Soyabean Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the descending order of the quantity of their production?
    A)2, 4, 3, 1
    B)1, 2, 3, 4
    C)3, 2, 4, 1
    D)3, 4, 2, 1
    Answer: 3, 4, 2, 1
  • Q. Which of the following is a Horticulture Crop?
    Answer: Mango
  • Q. Where will you expect to find bamboo growing
    A)At a very low height from sea level
    B)At a great height from sea level
    C)At a medium height from sea level
    D)There is no such condition; it can grow anywhere
    Answer: At a very low height from sea level
  • Q. Which state of India is known as “Sugar Bowl”?
    A)Andhra Pradesh
    B)Uttar Pradesh
    Answer: Uttar Pradesh
  • Q. On the basis of the process of their formation, which’ of the following soils is formed differently from the other three?
    Answer: Regur
  • Q. The remedy for soil erosion region is- 1. Bordering the region 2. Crop regulation 3. Deforestation 4. Allowing animals for grazing
    A)4, 3
    B)1, 2
    C)1, 4
    D)4, 2
    Answer: 1, 2
  • Q. The Red soils develop a reddish colour due to ________
    A)Tropical monsoonal climate
    B)Deforestation and over-grazing
    C)The presence of potash and magnesia
    D)A wide diffusion of iron in ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks
    Answer: A wide diffusion of iron in ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks
  • Q. Which of the following is/are not the characteristics of red soils? I. They are derived from weathering of old crystalline and metamorphic rocks II. They contain iron oxides III. They have high water retention capacity IV. They have high nitrogen content
    A)Only IV
    B)II and III
    C)Only III
    D)III and IV
    Answer: III and IV
  • Q. The most ideal region for cultivation of cotton in India is
    A)The Indo Gangetic Valley
    B)The Brahmaputra Valley
    C)The Deccan Plateau
    D)The Rann of Kutch
    Answer: The Deccan Plateau
  • Q. The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as ________
    A)Clayey soil
    B)Loamy soil
    C)Sandy soil
    D)Desert soil
    Answer: Loamy soil
  • Q. Which of the following indicates the types of soil erosion in decreasing order of damage caused In India
    A)Water-logging, weeds, salinity and ravine erosion
    B)Ravine erosion .and gullies, alkalinity and salinity weeds and water-logging
    C)Alkalinity and water-logging, ravine erosion and weeds
    D)All are equally damaging
    Answer: Ravine erosion .and gullies, alkalinity and salinity weeds and water-logging
  • Q. Under which climatic conditions do the laterite soils develop ?
    A)Cold temperature Climate
    B)Wet tropical Climate
    C)Hot and dry Climate
    D)Mediterranean type of Climate
    Answer: Wet tropical Climate
  • Q. Which of the following is the most important factor in soil formation?
    A)Natural vegetation
    D)Rock cover
    Answer: Climate
  • Q. The formation of laterite soil is mainly due to ________
    Answer: Leaching
  • Q. In the agricultural resources, cereals comprise
    A)Tea, coffee, cocoa
    B)Rubber, oil seeds, groundnut
    C)Cotton, Jute, hemp
    D)Rice, wheat, millets
    Answer: Rice, wheat, millets

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