More Questions on Geography
- Q. The world’s highest hydel power project ‘Rongtong’ is located in ________
A)Himachal Pradesh
Answer: Himachal Pradesh
- Q. The Pacific terminal of Trans-Siberian Railway is
Answer: Vladivostok
- Q. Deltas are formed where the shores are free of
A)High tide
B)Low tide
C)Hard rocks
Answer: Hard rocks
- Q. Los Angeles is famous for ________
A)Film studios
B)Golden beaches
C)Scenic beauty
D)Rocket launching station
Answer: Film studios
- Q. A person sets off from Alaska on a Tuesday and reaches New Zealand the next day which will be ________
Answer: Thursday
- Q. The hot and dry winds that help in the ripening of grapes in the Alps region is ________
B)Chi nook
D)Roaring Forties
Answer: Foehn
- Q. Which of the following is/are matched correctly? 1. Earthquake’s origin – seismic focus 2. Epicentre – point on earth’s surface directly above seismic focus 3. S waves – similar to sound waves 4. Richter scale – severity of earthquake
A)2 and 4
B)1, 2, 2003
C)1, 2, 3 and 4
D)3 and 4
Answer: 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Q. The lower Gangetic plain is characterized by humid climate with high temperature throughout the year. Which one among the following pairs of crops is most suitable for this region?
A)Paddy and Jute
B)Paddy and Cottort
C)Wheat and Jute
D)Wheat and Cotton
Answer: Paddy and Jute
- Q. Who introduced the term ‘monsoon’?
A)The Arabs
B)The British
C)The Mughals
D)The Chinese
Answer: The Arabs
- Q. The three major cereals in India under high yielding varieties in declining order are ________
A)Paddy, wheat and coarse cereals
B)Wheat, paddy and coarse cereals
C)Barley, wheat and coarse cereals
D)Coarse cereals, paddy and wheat
Answer: Paddy, wheat and coarse cereals
- Q. Which one of the following terms for natural vegetation is associated with Siberia?
Answer: Taiga
- Q. When a ship crosses Date line from west to east ________
A)It loses half a day
B)It loses one day
C)It gains one day
D)It gains half a day
Answer: It gains one day
- Q. The Moon is showing its same face to the Earth because
A)Its periods of rotation and revolution are the same
B)It is not rotating about its own axis
C)Its rotation and revolution are opposite
D)Its rotation is faster than its revolution
Answer: Its periods of rotation and revolution are the same
- Q. Which among these is a metamorphic rock?
Answer: Gneiss
- Q. Which of the following Bio-Reserves in India is the natural habitat for lions?
A)Mudumalai Bio-Reserve
B)Nilgiri Bio-Reserve
C)Kaziranga Bio-Reserve
D)Gir Bio-Reserve
Answer: Gir Bio-Reserve
- Q. River Rhine of Europe drains into
A)Caspian Sea
B)North Sea
C)Black Sea
D)Adriatic Sea
Answer: North Sea
- Q. Which city is served by Diamond Harbour?
Answer: Kolkata
- Q. Which of the following is the longest river in India?
Answer: Ganga
- Q. Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth’s surface?
A)Mountain Ecosystem
B)Desert Ecosystem
C)Grassland Ecosystem
D)Marine Ecosystem
Answer: Marine Ecosystem
- Q. Which of the following statements with regard to the term ‘great circle’ is not correct?
A)Only one great circle can be drawn on a sphere
B)Equator is a great circle
C)A ship can save fuel and time by following the great circle arc between two points
D)A great circle results when a plane passes through the centre of a sphere
Answer: Only one great circle can be drawn on a sphere
- Indian Geography
- Universe
- Earth
- Atmosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Lithosphere
- Political Geography in India
- Climate And Weather in India
- Agriculture And Soil in India
- Rivers And Lakes in India
- Natural Resources And Industries In Indian
- Transportation system of India
- Environment and Ecology in Indian
- Population and Tribes in Indian
- World Geography