Q. __________ a notable disciple of Sree Narayana Guru introduced Guru’s visions and ideals to the western world

Correct Answer

Nataraja Guru

More Questions on 18th Century Revolts And Reform

  • Q. Which of the following statement regarding Henry Vivian Derozio are correct? I. He is an Anglo-Indian II. Was called first nationalist poet of modern India III. He taught at Hindu college and was later removed because of his radicalism
    A)Only I and II
    B)Only I
    C)Only II and III
    D)All the above
    Answer: All the above
  • Q. The main purpose of Brahmo Samaj for which it was set up are
    A)Criticize social evils, oppose idolatry and emphasize human dignity
    B)Purify Hinduism and to preach monotheism
    C)Both A and B
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Both A and B
  • Q. Who of the following leaders is not associated with the Brahmo Samaj?
    A)Keshab Chandra Sen
    B)Debendranath Tagore
    C)Raja ram Mohan Rai
    D)Atma Ram Pandurang
    Answer: Atma Ram Pandurang
  • Q. Which of the following is considered as the main reason for division of Brahmo Samaj?
    A)Internal conflicts among Debendranath Tagore and Keshub Chandra Sen for including teachings of all religions
    B)Resolutely opposing Christian missionaries and their work against Hinduism
    C)Lack of strong propagator of views
    D)Opposition by people for disturbing traditional caste practices like abolition of sati, widow remarriage and women education
    Answer: Internal conflicts among Debendranath Tagore and Keshub Chandra Sen for including teachings of all religions
  • Q. What did Raja Ram Mohan Roy actively seek reforms in?
    A)Teaching the Vedas in schools
    B)Promoting intercaste marriages
    C)Ending the practice of Sati
    D)Building more temples
    Answer: Ending the practice of Sati
  • Q. Which of the following leader associated with Barout in Uttar Pradesh during 1857 revolts?
    A)Maulavi Ahamadullah Shah
    B)Shah Mal
    C)Tatya Tope
    D)Veer Kuwar Singh
    Answer: Shah Mal
  • Q. I. Raja Ram Mohan Roy established the “Calcutta Unitarian Committee”. II. Social Service League was established by Mahadev Govind Ranade. III. Deccan Education Society was founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale. IV. Annie Besant started the Central Hindu School. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct with reference to the reformers & leaders of India’s Struggle for Independence?
    A)I & IV
    B)I, II & IV
    C)II & III
    D)III Only
    Answer: I & IV
  • Q. Which of the following are the innovative means used by Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar to bring Sanskrit education to all?
    A)Brought new prose style
    B)Devised new Bengali primer
    C)Both A & B
    D)Continued the same method without any new innovation
    Answer: Both A & B
  • Q. Which of the contributions of Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar made him true follower of Raja Rammohan Roy and in a way most common aspects in both of them I. Protest against child marriage II. Advocacy of widow remarriage III. Campaign against polygamy
    A)I and III
    B)I and II
    C)II and III
    D)I, II and III
    Answer: I, II and III
  • Q. Paramahamsa Mandali primarily aimed at breaking caste rules was founded in which of the following places
    C)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Maharashtra
  • Q. Which of the following are the reasons for which Wahabi / Walliullah movement was started?
    A)Encouraging to give up puradh system
    B)Spreading education among Muslim women
    C)Reviving Muslim principles in response to western influences
    D)Propagating Quran as the only source
    Answer: Reviving Muslim principles in response to western influences
  • Q. Gurudevan participated in the anniversary of the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam held at Palluruthy in__________
    Answer: 1927
  • Q. Who among the following British Officials suppressed the Revolt of Jhansi?
    A)Henry Havelock
    B)Colin Campbell
    C)Henry Lawrence
    D)Hugh Rose
    Answer: Hugh Rose
  • Q. Swami Dayanand Saraswati established the Arya Samaj in 1875 at
    Answer: Bombay
  • Q. The sepoy mutiny of 1857 occurred during the Governor Generalship to
    A)Charles wood dispatch on education, influenced it towards female education
    B)Break priestly monopoly of scriptural knowledge(Sanskrit) and opening to non- Brahmins
    C)Lady Hardinge medical college at Delhi
    D)Both A and B
    Answer: Both A and B
  • Q. Aligarh Movement towards the end revented its followers from joining the national movement. Which of the following reasons made it to take this decision though it initially propagated for unity?
    A)Indians are educationally forward so in order to suppress them their activities need to discouraged
    B)It felt that immediate political progress was not possible and British Government couldn't be easily dislodged
    C)Gain support of British officials
    D)National movement is waste of time so should concentrate on other works
    Answer: It felt that immediate political progress was not possible and British Government couldn't be easily dislodged
  • Q. The Arya Samaj Movement had been started by
    A)Devendranath Tagore
    B)Swami Dayanand
    C)Swami Vivekananda
    D)Keshub Chandra Sen
    Answer: Swami Dayanand
  • Q. The actual name of Dayanand Saraawati, the founder of the Arya Samaj was
    A)Mula Shankar
    B)Daya Shankar
    D)Mool Chandra
    Answer: Mula Shankar
  • Q. Which of the following is one of the social reasons for 1857 revolt?
    A)The racial arrogance of the British created a difference between the rulers and the ruled
    B)The English could not establish any social relationship with the Indians
    C)Both A & B
    D)The company's trade policy destroyed Indian handicrafts
    Answer: Both A & B
  • Q. The theosophical society was marked by the close understanding of the cosmos and the mundane life. Which among the listed options is not a part of their curriculum?
    C)Means of enlightenment
    D)Mystic superstition
    Answer: Mystic superstition

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